Zuri Kiyori

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Zuri Kiyori
ZOO-ree ki-YOH-ree
Gender Female
Occupation Accepted
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Saldaean

Zuri Kiyori is a Saldaean Accepted of the Grey Tower.


Zuri is very short and slender with long, straight dark red hair and a tendency to blow it out of her eyes when she is frustrated. Her hair reaches to her waist and she either ties it back with a ribbon, or leaves it loose, so it often has a mind of it's own and goes in every direction. Zuri's eyes are grey and extremely expressive. She has a generous mouth that is almost always quirked in a humourous expression. Zuri is somewhat sarcastic, although slow to anger; brash, but not foolish; and quick to become irritated at people who show off or try to lie to her. Zuri is not overly extroverted or introverted, but is usually self-confident and poised without appearing too friendly. She is prone to compassion in certain circumstances and nearly always sees the practical side of things.


Zuri Kiyori was born and raised in Saldaea just outside of Maradon. Her father was an ice pepper trader, as was his father and his father before him. Zuri's mother and father were kind and loving in their way, as were her seven older sisters. They were all married and out of the house, having babies and running their husbands ragged, most of whom had joined her father in the ice pepper business, by the time Zuri was eighteen.

Her mother declared one day that it was high time for Zuri to marry and that was when Zuri knew there would be trouble. For the better part of the year her mother was after her father to find a good boy for Zuri to marry. Secretly Zuri hoped that if they had to find someone they could find her someone in the cavalry. Then she could at least ride into battle with them. The prospect of settling down like her sisters was not appealing to her in the slightest. Her mother, however, scoffed at the idea, saying instead that she must find a nice young man to help her father in the ice pepper business. Zuri considered running away to see the world, but rejected the idea as foolish. She considered getting herself tangled up with an army officer in a way that would force her parents to let her marry him, but she didn't know any officers. She considered declaring that she would not marry at all, but realized that would only convince her mother to find someone faster. So instead she went along with it all in a good humored sort of a way. Her mother eventually found a poor young fellow named Sunho Tei who was grateful to be brought into the ice pepper business and out of his farm life. He was hard working and dedicated which made her parents smile, and good looking and sort of fun to tease, which made Zuri smile and all in all she was fairly happy with the whole arrangement.

That was when the two Aes Sedai came to their town. They were traveling from Maradon to the south, presumably to their tower, and they were going to take one of the barges her father shipped his ice peppers on down the river. Her father, along with all the townspeople, including the mayor, were all bows and honey words. So was Zuri, of course, she knew what was best for her! That was when everything went sour. One of the Aes Sedai picked her out of the crowd and gave her a queer look, instantly changing it to calm placidness, and the next thing Zuri knew she was whispering to the other one, and then the two rounded on her with comments like "Oh yes, it is good you saw her sister, she will do well." And then the other one looking around vaguely and adding, "I already sense that she will be strong when she is trained"

Zuri was looking around her wondering who they were talking about and hoping it wasn't her, when one of them looked her in the eye and asked her name. She stammered it out and then her father was beside her asking what it was all about and one thing led to another and the next thing she knew her bag had been hurriedly packed by her mother, she was saying her goodbyes to a tearful Sunho and her family and being whisked down river with a shipment of ice peppers, two brown-clad Aes Sedai and her father's second best horse ( not very good at that!) to go to some place called the Grey Tower where she was supposed to learn how to be Aes Sedai.

Zuri was a little bitter at not being asked whether she wanted to go and still trying to work out how to make this to her advantage when the first dawn of her new life broke upon her.

Career History

  • Novice
  • Accepted
  • Council of Youth