Zuin Faera

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Zuin Faera
Created by Cal
Gender Male
Occupation Soldier
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Andoran

Zuin Faera is an Andoran Soldier of the Grey Tower.


A boy of average height with short dark brown hair which is flicked over to one side. He has eyes halfway between blue and green and is slightly short sighted. He is relatively thin and light but is in relatively good physical shape, not an athlete but unfit either. He is not handsome but neither is he ugly with a relatively plain, unremarkable face not yet changed by the transition into adulthood.

A good hearted boy that often gets carried away in his thoughts. He has a strong sense of right and wrong but doesn't always act on it due to his lack of courage and self belief. He is upfront and grounded in most regards bar himself in which he is severally critical and lacks confidence. He is very intelligent and is often lost in his own thoughts, especially when an idea excites him.

He likes to write everything down and often has new idea, most of them mad or impractical but occasionally genius. He is logical and tries to remain so but loses this side of himself when he becomes truly absorbed or interested by something, basically when he gets excited by something. He has no love of fighting but does have an interest in battle, in a historical sense but only in terms of their strategy and tactics.

He has always liked the idea of channelling because of the logic to it, the way weaves are formed and used, the way the powers interact and how the two halves work together. He likes the logic of rules and systems and has found the channelling has these although he knows little about it bar what books have taught him. He enjoys reading due to the peace of it and he likes to avoid fighting or confrontation. He had nearly no temper and is difficult to anger due to his lack of courage.


Born the third son to a powerful noble family in Andor he had a wealthy and privileged upbringing. He was always a quiet child and reserved preferring to study and read than actually do things although he does have a love of long walks in the countryside. His father didn't care about him particularly as his older brother would inherit and his mother had died in the childbirth of what would have been his younger sister had the baby lived.

At fourteen he channelled the first time. He was on his way to the capital when his carriage was attacked by bandits. In his fear he channelled and brought down lightning from the sky blasting the bandits apart. After he finished throwing up at what he had done he continued on his that night he fell ill with the channelling sickness and was taken the rest of the way by his soldiers who had survived the fighting and lightning. A day later he reached the city and was taken to a Grey Tower Asha'man at the palace by his men. The man was told what had happened and opened a gateway and send him to the Grey Tower for training and so he could be monitored by the medical staff their while he recovered from his experience. The Asha'man also sent a letter to Zuin's father informing him of what had happened and that the boy had gone to the Grey Tower from training.

Career History

  • Soldier (16 October 2016)