Vairen Tammal

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Vairen Tammal
VAY - ren TAH - mal
Gender Male
Occupation Dedicated
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Amadician

Vairen Tammal is an Amadician Dedicated of the Grey Tower.


  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Hair Colour: Blonde

Physical Appearance – Medium-length silky blonde hair along with sparkling green eyes are his defining features and have caught the eye of more than a few women, commenting that his lashes are too long and his face too pretty for his own good. Milky soft skin and a soft voice and temperament made gaining the respect of other lads his age more difficult than it was for most. Yet while Vairen is slim, he is also well-toned and could stand up for himself in a fight if it became necessary. He is by no means stronger than most nor more skilled in the ways of fighting but he could handle himself as well as any. In all, he is an attractive man but this can bring as much burden as it does advantage. It may well be his undoing when he reaches the Tower.

Personality – Full of ideals and faith in the ultimate goodness of mankind, Vairen is a man of passion. He lets his heart guide him as often as his head but he is no fool and able to make very reasoned insights about people and certain situations. It is perhaps a shame that all his thoughts and feelings are so skewered by the hate and prejudice that embodies the institution that he grew up around. He truly and genuinely puts all Aes Sedai and Asha’man on a par with Shadowspawn and sees killing them as a duty. Mikel is simply incapable of seeing any humanity in them, thinking any smiles or kind words they bestow upon him are a thin veil to conceal their inner corruption.

Perhaps like any young man who has found real direction in his life, he is filled with self-belief and a hope that he can make a difference to the world. His intentions truly are not ill and unlike many of the Children, he would baulk at torture and arbitrary accusations against innocent people, supposedly Darkfriends because they offended some high up Lord Captain. Vairen is also not beyond showing kindness and affection towards others… but the conditioning of his society lies deep within him. He would rescue a child or an innocent woman from bandits yet were it a choice between that or extinguishing the life of an Aes Sedai, he would choose the latter every time.

Vairen is a very confused individual, brought up for the most part by a loving, affectionate mother who encouraged him to care for others and to be creative, finding the paths in life that suited him best. Yet a cold, aloof father still held great influence on the rare occasions that he showed an interest. Vairen has always yearned for the love and acceptance of his father yet instead he was given harsh lessons about duty and honouring the name of the family. Hence, his path finally led him to join the Children of the Light. While Vairen is now greatly concerned with his duties and keeping the good name of his family, he has not entirely left behind the teachings of his mother and he loves her dearly.

His other confusions are sexual in nature and while he shows a healthy attraction towards women, he finds himself desiring other young men his own age even more and he had already taken one as a lover. He felt great guilt about this relationship and the views of his father would have been clearly and utterly against such lusts. This leaves Vairen a man laced with many insecurities, kept hidden deep within him and concealed by his own confidence in himself as a warrior of the Light, ready and willing to resist the Shadow at any cost.

Finally, Vairen will have to deal with another challenge that he did not foresee. Vairen was born with the spark and though he does not yet realise this, he has been channelling long enough to develop a block. None of the incidents where he has channelled have been remarkable enough for Vairen to suspect but he has already passed through the stages of illness that follow on from the first experiences of channelling. However, when he reaches the Tower he will be tested as any man seeking to become Drin’far’ji would be as a precaution. He is soon to discover that his destiny will not take him in the direction he had at first believed. To ever come to accept himself, Vairen will be forced to altogether change all of his fundamental views and ideologies.


The chamber was a grand one, well befitting the high office of the man sitting stiffly behind his heavily polished mahogany table. The chair he was sat in would have outshone the thrones of many palaces, gilded extravagantly with gold and encrusted with many rare gemstones. The peak of his throne reached a good foot above the solid old man’s head and a sunburst had been worked expertly and exquisitely into that spot. A person kneeling in his presence would always see it; it served as an effective reminder to any man who came here of exactly where it was they knelt… as if the flaring gold sun beneath their feet was not enough. That sunburst and the throne were enough to purchase any ten estates in all of Amadicia and the man sitting behind the desk was well aware of this fact. Well-furnished tables were spread all about the chamber, displaying rare Sea Folk porcelain and the Borderland works that the man favoured so highly. A fine red vintage along with a delic ately carved silver cup had been set atop the desk beside the man's notes and missives. He frowned to note that the bowl of dark grapes he had asked for to go with his wine had not yet been sent but all was well other than this admittedly small irritation.

Mikel Halazan, Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light had been called an excessive man many times before but never to his face. Beneath all those little pleasures he so enjoyed, there was a hardness that went far deeper than mere outward appearances. He was dangerous and all who looked upon him knew that this had little to do with his station in life. Piercing dark eyes drew out sins and secrets that had long been forgotten by the perpetrators. Chiselled facial features and a grim mouth that never smiled spoke of a man who had been through too many hardships to feel any fears at this late stage in his life. He was old and wrinkled yet exuded every bit as much confidence as he had as a young man newly recruited to the cause, and though all of his hair had long turned grey, most of it had at least managed to remain atop his head.

At that moment Mikel Halazan's attention was all focused on the large map that had also been set atop his table. It depicted all the nations of the civilised world, from the coast of Falme to the very borders of Cairhien. Marks had been placed upon that map, lines to indicate frequently changing borders and brief notes that spoke of certain political or economic situations in each given nation. There were finely engraved pieces there too, each clearly depicting a certain army that held influence in the lands. A barbaric half-naked figure wielding a tiny spear for the Aiel, a heavily-armoured man with an antlered helmet for these so-called Seanchan and of course a magnificent white piece adorned with a pin-sized golden sunburst to represent the Children of the Light. What Mikel saw made his situation all too clear to him if it had not been already; he was vastly outnumbered. The source of all these dire threats was also quite clear to the man… a Tower-like building ha d also been drawn carefully upon the map somewhere nearby the Mountains of Mist. This was surely the cause of all his fears and apprehensions that the Children would not last out the year.

"No matter…" he murmured, irritation coursing through his voice that he allowed himself to so much as feel apprehension. If the witches gained dominion, he would open his veins. Death was no enemy to Mikel; it was an inescapable entity that would claim him soon enough in any case. He was no foolish lad to have faith in the Creator's mercy and believe that there would be paradise beyond this dark life. What mattered to the Lord Captain Commander was what he did with the short time he had left to act in these lands. If all goes as planned, your name might shine through the ages Mikel… but never trust to hope. "The pieces are in motion and I will see the witches crushed under my thumb before my dying breath." The quiet but firm knock at his door came at last and a new fate was sealed. "Come in Child Vairen," he barked firmly, putting on the sternest of his faces, one that had condemned great men to their deaths and torment. And the same might well go for you my lad… it might well.

In came the young man, not so much as a year older than Mikel had been when first he joined the illustrious ranks of the Children. A well put together boy, delicate features framed what was almost a pretty face with gentle lips that many a woman would find herself yearning in his lifetime. That was a part of the reason he had been chosen. Silky blonde hair and emerald green eyes emphasised the lad's easy attractiveness, along with a slim but well-toned body. Those eyes. They glowed with a light of fervour and belief that spoke of a man who truly had faith. Another reason. The man had great potential and could go very far in the ranks of the Children. Not a Lord Captain Commander though… Mikel mused, watching him with hawk eyes as the Child knelt smoothly before him. A man of passion can never sit upon this seat. He believes in the mercy of the light and worse, he truly thinks there is such a thing as love and real happiness. The poor, twisted individual. He has his desires as well. Smiling cruelly, he was a man ready for the kill, a viper waiting for the fatal bite. Mikel's bite had always been deadly. Oh yes… his yearnings are what will break him.

"What do you think of the recent unity of Aes Sedai and Asha'man, Child Vairen?" he enquired in a conversational manner, as if the answer truly did not matter. Mikel did not miss the shock on Vairen's face either. Of course the poor fool would wonder why his Lord Captain Commander referred to the witches and the tainted ones' by the titles they styled themselves by. Moments passed and still Vairen knelt there, his mind clearly as yet unable to fully register the situation at hand. "Speak Child. I am your Commander and when I was your age, a man spoke very promptly indeed in response to the one who held my position." Not that Paedrig had been particularly good at his job. Too concerned with hunting out Darkfriends where there were only shadows, there had been a record number of executions during his time as their leader.

"Of course, my Lord Captain Commander…" he spoke, a soft but confident voice, one that was not entirely put out by the tone of his master. Good… he has some backbone. He will surely need strength to face the days ahead. "The witches and their male brethren are tainted and decayed beyond redemption… beyond all hope. But it certainly concerns me that they have found a willingness to work together, those men and women who reside deepest in the Shadow before the Dark One himself." Vairen looked up at him then, a direct look that betrayed only the barest hint of nerves. "It is the only possible explanation for all these troubles that are afflicting the world in recent times. These Seanchan are clearly their puppets and a deadly weapon indeed… the lands are now horribly divided against each other because of the influence of this so-called Grey Tower." An insightful boy then it seemed… Vairen would be most suitable for his purposes… most suitable indeed. "What's more, it's too much coincidence for these tainted fellows to suddenly appear when the world is so torn by chaos and mistrust. The Shadow is looming and finally revealing its true strength. If there is to be a great battle of our time, it will be soon." Very insightful indeed.

"I see," was all Mikel responded with, a look of judgement in his cool, dark eyes. "And what of the Dragon Reborn? The one who recruited all these Asha’man?" If calling the witches Aes Sedai unnerved the man, hearing reference to this al’Thor as if he were anything other than another wretched dupe of these witches would surely leave the boy hopelessly stunned. And indeed his green eyes had widened as far as they would go after the shock comment, again delivered in an offhand manner. As if anyone could be a 'real' Dragon!

"He… he is a puppet of the witches, made to leash the barbaric Aiel and work up a horde of bandits and Dragonsworn." Vairen's voice was surprisingly firm for one whose emotions were being toyed with so deftly. Either he was harder than Mikel had at first believed or his faith was too strong to be put into question. Either would be useful to his plans. "If he were to be killed, the Aiel would dissipate and turn on each other and the free lands could finally rally again to resist them. Then they might be united to face the hordes of Shadowspawn that will inevitably be spewed from the Blight, no doubt led by the witches and their brothers. Victory can still be gained, my Lord Captain Commander, if we move quickly against him and those who pull his strings."

"I was not aware that I was asking a fresh recruit to advise me on where I should target my resources, Child Vairen," Mikel hissed dangerously, all a part of the intended act he had planned to use against this man. Vairen flinched as expected, drawing back from his Lord’s icy gaze. It was no surprise that the young one was so unnerved, called to an audience with Lord Halazan, only days after being recruited. "Yet it is well that you think this," he went on, voice suddenly gentling to a fatherly benevolence. "The hovel that is the Grey Tower must be pulled down, leaving the False Dragon al'Thor blind and helpless without his master's to shove him in a certain direction. You will no doubt be honoured to discover that you will be a vital link in achieving these ends." Deathly silence followed those words, the horror on the man's face finally complete. Mikel quickly raised his silver cup and took a deep sip of the wine, covering his smug smile.

"Me, my Lord Captain Commander?" the man managed to breathe, his fair features twisted by pure terror. "Forgive me but I have been a Child only seven days. Not even a week. How could I be of any use in such an endeavour?"

"Do sit yourself, Child Vairen," Mikel spoke kindly, gesturing gently towards the only other seat in the room, a plain wooden stool. It was a sign of the man’s anxiety that he did so without so much as a protest or hesitation over being done such a great honour. It was always pleasing for the old man to see that age had still failed to dull his fine wits. It was the only weapon left to him now bones and muscle failed. "That you are fresh is exactly why I have chosen you for the task I have planned. Nobody even knows who you are beyond the fact that you are another soldier amongst numbers that are well in excess of ten thousand. You have little of the look of Amadicia in you with those light eyes and hair. You know almost nothing of that sword you carry at your side. It shows in the way you bear yourself, in the way that it does not yet belong there. You are perfect." A light of knowing suddenly flickered in the man’s eyes and Mikel immediately knew this boy was sha rper than he had even estimated at first sight of him, perhaps dangerously so.

"You cannot be suggesting-"

"I do not ever suggest, Child Vairen. I command." The words were spoken clearly and in a matter-of-fact voice. There was no lie in Mikel's voice. "You will go to the Grey Tower and train to become one of their nits. The methods they use may be more twisted and ruthless than our own but it cannot be denied that their skill with the sword is unsurpassed, even by the finest of our men. You will learn what must be learned there… and you will be leaving tomorrow at first light."

"I will not!" the man barked, three words the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light was not used to hearing. "Were I to stay but a month in that worthless hovel, I would become as one of them and forget all my past allegiances! They will use the Power against me, force me to obey them, use me for their own ends. I will not be a puppet! I will not forsake the Children of the Light nor my own honour. You must understand-"

"I have always believed a man's heart is his fortress," Mikel cut in smoothly, taking a long mouthful of his wine. Where is that bloody servant with my flaming grapes?! "Sin embodies so much, Child Vairen. It is clearly sinful to tap into the Power that only the Creator may use or to help those who do as you say. It is an abomination to serve the Shadow and its' designs. Stealing is a terrible crime that well deserves the punishments we administer here in Amadicia." Mikel rose, striding imperiously round the table before halting ominously above Vairen. "Yet there are other sins," he whispered as if divulging very secret information to the man. "Some things we manage to keep hidden from our betters. Others that we think we have kept hidden… we have not. Desires for those no man should desire, Child Vairen. Lusts." There was a very real fear in his eyes now and Mikel knew the reports he had received about the man had been accurate.

"There are many punishments dealt out to those who stray from the path, Child," he continued, walking around to Vairen's other side to keep the man wary and watching every direction. "Some merit a birching, others imprisonment and the very serious can only be corrected by execution. Yet there are worse kinds of punishment… what of the torment that the soul leaves? That can mark a man with more lasting pain than any whip could hope to achieve. Imagine a man with the rope around his neck about to take his last breath… imagine his parents watching, the hate and disgust in their eyes or worse still, the shame that will follow them now for the rest of their lives. They will be blamed for the way you have been moulded, cursed for bringing up one who surrendered himself to such twisted urges." Mikel could almost smell the desperation in the man now, the desire to flee or take his own life quickly and cleanly.

"You engaged in certain activities with a stablehand," he stated, finally coming to the point. "Tomlin his name, a dashing fellow by all accounts and one who clearly caught your attentions. By the laws and customs of our people, death is a worthy punishment for what you have done and needless to say all would look down on your family henceforth. Your father is a proud man from what I have heard, a hardy fellow and greatly concerned with the well-being of his own… to see the name of Tammal stained so heavily would hurt him beyond repair." Mikel paused to take in the reaction and noted with pleasure Vairen's pained flinch as his eyes lost the strength to remain focused on his Lord Captain Commander. "And your dear, sweet mother… loving her only child so much as she does, seeing you hung would break her. And she would only blame herself for failing in some way in her upbringing of you." The Child visibly trembled now, the walls that kept him safe almost broken down in tr uth. It was a shame to be forced to do this to the wretch; a man’s desires were his own business and nobody else’s so long as he did his duty. In his younger days, Mikel himself had had his unusual interests when it came to women, and this was really not so different. I will leave him confused about his desires, unable to resolve them in his mind. But I do what must be done. It was too much of a risk that Vairen would be proud enough to reject his command and face hanging, even for disobeying his own Commander. That would not be a problem now, not with this threat hanging over his head.

Mikel drained the last drops of his wine, before replacing the cup and leaning forward to tell Vairen of the horrific torture the Children of the Light had performed upon Tomlin, mutilating his body before slaying him just as brutally, and burning away his ruined corpse. He finished the gruesome tale with a disdainful glare and the words "You will never lay in your lover's arms again." Vairen screamed in a pained anguish almost powerful enough to tug at the heartstrings the Lord Captain Commander had thought altogether erased from his mind long ago. For a moment though, Mikel imagined the room shook in the moments of Vairen's anguish. No... this is not the time to allow your wits to dry up old man. Before he had time to think further, Vairen rose and unsheathed his sword, pointing it squarely at the neck of his master. Yet there was already defeat in his eyes… the man knew what the consequences of such an action would be. Not only would his activities with Tomlin become common knowledge but the fact that he had killed the Lord Captain Commander would be clothed in false rumour; some would claim it was to avenge the object of his lusts and still others that it was to protect his reputation. His family would be destroyed then; every last one with an ounce of his blood would be strung up by their necks and beaten to within an inch of their lives. With a steady hand, Mikel pushed the sword away from his neck and back into its sheath. "You will leave at first light tomorrow Child and you will pack lightly. I have agents there who will see you are kept well informed of my wishes. Be prepared to do whatever I tell you Vairen… be prepared to kill women, whether they be witches or otherwise. You are dismissed."

The man rose shakily from his stool but he did not manage to leave. He collapsed to the floor, kneeling again on the sunburst as he violently emptied his stomach several times over, while helpless tears of grief rushed down his smooth, innocent cheeks. Mikel had no time to waste on regrets. He strode away from the Child and returned to his seat, picking up a simple carved figure that had been left at the side of the table, no more than a piece from a Stones Board, a pawn amongst many. He placed it carefully inside the Grey Tower and smiled to finally see his plans coming to fruition. Vairen would help stretch the witches necks on the headsman's blocks but it would be Mikel's hand that would strike off those vile heads. Victory would be his and his name would be remembered many centuries after he was long ground to dust.

Career History

  • Soldier
  • Dedicated