Urikanu Larithan

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Urikanu Larithan
Created by Lasse Jensen
Gender Male
Occupation Gaidin
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Shienaran

Urikanu Larithan is a Shienaran Gaidin of the Grey Tower.


Urikanu is tall for a wetlander, almost as tall as an average Aielman. He wears his hair in the traditional Shienarian topknot and his face is normally impassive. He have clear blue eyes with a stare so piercing that most men back down under that stare. He wears dark gray and black as his primary colors always wear a black cloak with his family crest, a broken Trolloc skull, worked in white. He wears high boots with the tops turned down, and a dagger is stuck into each.

Urikanu is a calm, goodhearted man. He is a guardian of justice and a defender of humanity from the blight. He has spent most of his youth fighting the Blight and its creatures and thus has a deep and ingrained hatred for anything connected to the Dark One. Anyone able to channel has his deep respect, for if they are willing to use their abilities to fight they are the greatest bulwark in the world against the Dark One.


Urikanu was born in Shienar nineteen years ago. He is the second son of a minor noble house, and was raised on steel and blood. He fought in his first battle at the age of twelve and at the age of fourteen he could fight as well as most grown men. He grew to become handsome, and hard as steel. He lived life to the fullest and never put down a chance to enjoy himself.

But something happened. One day he was in a battle. Twenty thousand Trollocs had come rushing through Tarwin's Gap as if the Dark One was on their heels and only ten thousand men could be gathered swiftly enough. And five Aes Sedai, Five Asha'man, and twelve Warders. The Shienarians fell back before the hordes, but then they interfered. The Aes Sedai and Asha'man walked into the inferno of battle, spreading death where they came. But it was their Warders who invoked awe in Urikanu. They fought with the serpentine grace of men born to the sword, fought with abandon and slaughtered every Trolloc in their path. They even took care of a few Myrddraal as well. So when the party of Channelers left, Urikanu was with them, going to join the Tower and become a warder.

Career History

  • Drin
  • Ji'val
  • Gaidin