Tukal Faetrarken

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Tukal Faetrarken
Created by Jessica al'Dar (player)
Full name Tukal Vidran Unol Faetrarken
Gender Male
Occupation Asha'man of the Brown Ajah
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Shienaran
Weapon Skills
  • Sword ✦✦✦✦✦
OP Strength 7.5
Affinities Earth, Spirit, Fire, Air, Water

Tukal Faetrarken is a Shienaran Brown Oathsworn Asha'man of the Grey Tower.


Tukal has the ageless appearance of an asha'man who's been oathbound for years. But, he still looks hard. His arms, are scared, tough and course from years of use and fighting. He has two scars over his left eye. One small on the outside of his eye, and one much larger reaching from his forehead to the centre of his left cheek. His left eye is yellow, milky and dead. His eyes were hard, cold and pained, and his other eye is crystal blue. Tukal is 5'11, and large. He moves slowly, carefully, like he's warry of hurting people around him. He still keeps his hair in the classic topknot of his people.


'Kal looked out from atop his warhorse Bekkar. Ahead was a glorious sight, the grey tower. Kal had travelled for many month in search of this place, and he was finally here. The large grey spire was the largest point for leagues around. At the base of the tower, Elman's creek sprawled out. Comparatively new, the town probably was insignificant before the tower was erected, but from the looks of it, has grown in leaps and bounds since then. These things filtered through Kal's mind. A soft town, nothing like his homeland of Shienar. "Come on Bekkar, let's go see what we can." he said, as the horse started towards the town. Over head a falcon followed the man, and his horse to his destination.

As a child, 'Kal learned the sword, like all borderlander children. Living in Fal Dara, he was brought up with his father, mother, and two sisters. When he was a young child, he took up the sword with his father. Though he had little love for it, he knew it was what he had to do, to protect his family. When he wasn't practising with his father, or when his father went out to the blight, Tukal would play with his sisters. In the fields and the woods near the city, the three of them would play. Tukal's mother always frowned upon it, but she kept Kal's secret. Kal continued this for many years, living a dual life: one of steel and one of nature.

For Kal's 9th year of the sword, his mother gave him a hunting falcon, and his father gave him a warhorse. Kal's family was quite well off, and could afford such luxuries. The final gift, was that his father took Kal out to the blight, with 2000 other mounted Shienaran. This was Kal's final lesson, and his father took it to heart. Kal couldn't refuse, and the next morning they set out. For 4 months, the band wandered the blight, hunting trollocs, and soulless. Unfortunately, they hadn't expected such a large contingent of trollocs and soulless. In one raid, late at night, the trollocs killed near half of the shienarans, including Kal's father, and wounded another quarter of them. Kal was lucky, and only received a gash along his face, which barely missed his eye. They were lucky in the end, and courageously fought off the trollocs, even with such dwindled numbers. After returning the warriors to the mother, Kal took the band back to Fal Dara.

The men returned to much celebration, but Kal couldn't celebrate. He had watched his father die to a soulless blade. From that moment on, Kal joined the Shienaran army. He wanted to kill every last of the light forsaken beasts he could find. A primal rage burned inside him, and he could barely function with regular people. The only things he loved were his animals, but he continued to use his steel. For the next two years of his life, he only saw his mother and sisters a total of 3 weeks. He became hardened, and barely smiled. He was quite the soldier, yet always refused advancement when the possibility presented itself. But, the soldier's life wasn't enough. So, at the recommendation of his superiors, he travelled to Elman's Creak, to become a warder for the Grey Tower.

Career History

  • Soldier
  • Dedicated
  • Asha'man of the Brown Ajah
  • Sitter of the Brown Ajah (25 February 2010)
  • Master of Soldiers (4 April 2010)