Loren Kallerwane

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Loren Kallerwane
Lore-en Kall-er-wan-ie
Created by Jessie Vernham
Gender Male
Occupation Soldier
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Taraboner

Loren Kallerwane is a Taraboner Soldier of the Grey Tower.


Like many Taraboners, Loren has straw coloured hair that he generally cuts quite short, which is offset by his darker eyebrows and brown eyes. At the age of twenty, he is still a little young to sport the traditional Taraboner facial hair, and thus is clean shaven, although it would be hard for anyone to tell that behind his opaque veil.

Growing up near the waterfront, frequently spending time on one or another of the fishing boats his father owned, Loren adopted a method of walking that does not immediately pinpoint him as a seafarer, but rather sets him just slightly apart from a crowd. His gestures and expressions tend to be conservative; as wasted movement can set one off balance when they are on the water. However, just as his method of walking is not obviously marine in origin, his gestures and expressions are only moderately conservative.

Loren tends to be quiet when first encountered, as he does not trust strangers easily since the Seanchan conquered his homeland. Once he is sure that he can trust who he is speaking to, though, Loren becomes outgoing and opinionated, and can often become very aggressive about the things he feels strongly about.


Loren carefully wrapped his razor in cloth and tucked it into his pack. This would be the last time he stayed in an inn for quite some time, a good thing as the long trip from Tanchico had considerably lightened his purse. He had certainly come a long way from the popular fleet owner's son to become a raggedy traveller, but then he wasn't the only one who seemed to have changed. The whole bloody world seemed to have turned upside down from the one he had grown up in. The prosperous times of Tarabon were long gone, sure, but even the recent decline was a far cry from where his country was now.

Some said that the Seanchan were the best thing that had happened to this part of the world in a good long time. ‘Traitors' was too good a world for them, as far as Loren was concerned. Sure, the economy was doing better, but at what price? His father, a man who had spent his life bringing more wealth to the city, with his fleet of merchant and fishing boats, was now reduced to doing labour on one of his own boats, and why? Because he wasn't of the correct blood. Simply because his father and his father's father had worked their way up from deckhands to captains and eventually fleet owners, instead of having the assets handed to them because of some idiotic blood line.

That wasn't the worst of it either. Although what had happened to his father and to countless other businessmen in the city was awful, but it was nothing compared to the Channelers who were unfortunate enough to be caught in the city. Although on a whole, the opinion of Aes Sedai in Tanchico was neutral, Loren had lived near a retired Aes Sedai all of his life. The elderly lady, although at times spooky, had always been nice enough, and had once given young Loren and his friends cookies, for no reason other than that they looked hungry as they trudged home from a long day helping out on one of the fishing boats. But her kindness hadn't saved her from Seanchan enslavement…

Loren shook off the melancholy. Standing in his room complaining to himself couldn't be useful to anyone, so he shouldered his pack and headed down into the common room. It was early in the morning, and most of the inn's patrons were still sleeping off their ale, so when he sat down and ordered some breakfast to prepare him for the last bit of road ahead, the innkeeper engaged him in conversation.

"So, the Grey Tower, then?" said the Innkeeper, sounding distinctly colder than when the conversation had started. He leaned back from the table slightly, distancing himself. "Can you, err, channel?"

"Not yet," said Loren cheerfully, knowing how much he was probably unnerving the man, "But I'm sure I'll learn in no time."

The innkeeper quickly made excuses to get away. That was fine with Loren; there was no Taint on saidin, so there was no reason for anyone to fear men channelling anymore. He reminded himself that it couldn't possibly matter to him what one innkeeper thought of what he was doing to his life, so he picked up his pack once more and headed out into the autumn sunshine, whistling a tune he couldn't remember the name of. Tonight, he would sleep inside the Grey Tower.

Career History

  • Soldier