Laerel Ganalin

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Laerel Ganalin
Created by Lugh
Gender Male
Occupation Dedicated
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Andoran

Laerel Ganalin is an Andoran Dedicated of the Grey Tower.


Laerel is often found with a smile, especially when good wine and dice can be found. His sense of humour has helped to seperate him from the stoic, statue serious image of a Dedicated. His hair is blond, with darker streaks throughout and he keeps it closer cut, as his constant travels to the Farm especially can make it hard to maintain.

The jacket of a Dedicated covers well built shoulders, and he has been told on occasion that he is perhaps prettier than a man has any right being. He enjoys riding when his work as a courier allows it, and Laerel takes pride in his Sword Pin. He has a keen eye, and a way of making people feel at ease; although the list of people he trusts is short. As a gambler, he has often become overextended and in fact many of his penances have been caused by some wronged nobleman pressing the Grey Tower to make good on the debt. As such he is often seen as frivolous and a layabout, and image he is in no real hurry to change.

He has a fondness for pranks, and such is the power of his smile, that those who become the target of the jest usually end up laughing right along with Laerel. Despite his wastrel appearance, Laerel is able to convince others to trust him, for he is genuinely trustworthy and willing to take the heat for a friend. None can say whether it’s in his eyes, or his carriage or something else, but when Laerel needs you to believe him, there is little doubt.


Laerel spent much of his youth dodging his mother and cousins, along with the other women of his neighbourhood. A preference for the riverside docks, and an inclination to take risks other boys his age wouldn’t led him into many scrapes with the stevedores, and city watchmen. Although he was usually able to patch up any hurt feelings, with a carefully scrouged gift or lending a hand when an order spilled.

When he came of age and was tested, he was discovered to have the ability to channel. Seeing a chance to help his prospects, and with a sense of adventure, Laerel came to the Grey Tower. There he soon fell into trouble, for the Master of Soldiers and Ashaman tasked with teaching him had little patience for the antics of a river rat. Chaffing at the rules and chores, Laerel fell in with the sons of nobles, a small cadre that soon became known for shirking their duties and gambling among other vices.

On his first penance to the Farm, it was discovered that he had the Talent for Travelling. With the ability, he was of great use to the Farm as a courier and for other tasks, and he discovered that he enjoyed the duty of a messenger as it afforded him the chance to see cities and places he would not have as a Dedicated.

He is in no hurry to attain the cord of an Ashaman, as he has managed to keep just busy enough to avoid trouble, but not enough that he has little time for his pursuits. He fell out of favour with his partners in mischief, two of them letting him take the fall and earn a second Farm penance in order to cancel out debts he had accrued. Since then he has tried his best to keep his games to the simple dice cups of labourers, and others who make small wagers; though every now and then the lure of a card game with gold as the coinage takes a hold of him.

Career History

  • Soldier
  • Dedicated (10 November 2018)