Kurosed al'Suroh

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Kurosed al'Suroh
Gender Male
Occupation Soldier
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Manetheren (The Two Rivers)

Kurosed al'Suroh is a Manetheren Soldier of the Grey Tower.


I have short dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. I am taller than most other Andormen and am well built. I am generally very calm but I get very angry when arroused to a certain level. I carry an angreal around my neck that I have had since I was born. I have been told that my great-great grandmother was Aes Sedai, she told her first born (my great-grandfather) to give it to the first channeler in the family after her. That so happened to be me. I never did find out why she did not give it to the White Tower or indeed, where she found it. This I hope to find out. My face rarely shows emotion although sometimes I can be on the brink of an outburst if angered.


I was born not far from Emond's Field in The Two Rivers. There I worked on a farm to the South, close to the main road. I was always curious when peddlers came in to town at Bel Tine. I was about fourteen when I first channeled the One Power. I have always been taught that I was descended from the Captain of guard in Manetheren. Sometimes I shout out 'Suravye ninto manshima taishite' in my sleep. I was feared and avoided after I first channeled, no-one would look me straight in the eye. I suppose I was frightened that I would die before my parents would ever love me again, this was why I came to the Grey Tower.

The journey was long and hard. My horse was strong and bore me well. After the first week of travelling things started to look up. I won money by gambling in the inns, no-one knew of my Talent that I kept hidden. I think I was too afraid to channel then, I feared I would be outcasted. Disappear from all knowledge. I found a merchant train heading to the Grey Tower, apparantly they get some good custom from there and make a few crowns. The first sight I had of the Grey Tower took my breath away, I had heard stories of it in Gleemen's Tales but I never thought it would be as big as they said. All in all I'm glad I came but I do think of home a lot, and wonder if I'll ever go back.

Career History

  • Soldier