Kira al'Haram

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Kira al'Haram
Created by Jessica Seefried
Gender Female
Occupation Gaidin
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Manetheren (Two Rivers)
Weapon Skills
  • Polearms ✦✦✦✦✦
  • Unarmed ✦✦
  • Throwing Dagger ✦

Kira al'Haram is a Manetheren Gaidin of the Grey Tower.


Kira is a lanky wolfkin, her 5'6" frame much leaner from her time spent as part of a wolf pack. Her brown hair is now roughly shaped into a bob at her ears. One can tell that she did the style herself, without a mirror. A sunken face and yellow eyes barely show the age she has attained (roughly 40 years), and the tan she has accumulated from her time with the pack is slowly fading now that she’s back to civilization. She typically wears loose fitting breeches and a long vest over a loose shirt of natural colors, though the bagginess of the clothing does little but show how emaciated she has become. Much more ruthless from her time spent with the pack, Kira rarely shows affection, or even friendship, towards anyone other than her Aes Sedai. Fearing that people judge her for running with the pack rather than taking care of her Aes Sedai, it has made her reluctant to approach people.


Kira walked quickly, following her mother deep into the forests surrounding her home of Watch Hill. Her mother, Saria, was the village Wisdom, and this walk was one of many Kira had gone on to find herbs her mother was starting to run out of.

"Mother," she said suddenly, stopping in a clearing and looking out to the left, "there is something there, I can hear it." Her eyes scanned the trees, exasperated by the thick underbrush that was common in this area.

"Don't pay attention to it, Kira," Saria said, coming back to the girl and looking off into the same direction. "Nothing can hurt you while I'm around. Now, let's go back to our picking. Look! There is some lavender, right over there. How fortunate you decided to stop." Her mother walked over to the thick bush covered in the purplish flowers that denoted Lavender.

Sighing, Kira walked away from the edge of the clearing to where her mother was, holding out a collection bag for the herbs to go in. Why do we collect Lavender anyway," she thought to herself angrily, still thinking about the noise, "I have never seen her use it on one of the patients."

After they had collected most of the lavender bush, Saria turned to Kira and said, "I believe we shall go back now. Can't stay too long in case someone gets hurt back in the village." Kira nodded automatically, swinging the fresh smelling leather bag over her shoulder and following her mother out of the forest and up the hill towards Watch Hill.

There were strangers at the end when Kira arrived back home. A woman and a man, both of which wore elegant clothing. She was sure, when she glimced them from a distance, they were Nobles of some sort.

Her mother, however, was startled when she saw the two. After a few moments of wonder she quickly snapped her eyes back to Kira and ran her into her father's shop, muttering all the way about, "Not my daughter. Got me, not my daughter..."

Saddles lined the wall nearest to Kira, some worked heavily with silver studding. Her father, Trant, was the town saddle maker, though his work was prized almost as highly as the Tabac grown. Kira glowed with pride as her eyes settled on the two at the end. She had made those, along with one other that was now in the tack room adjacent to the barn. Her father smiled at her as she passed, her arm firmly in her mother's grip. When Trant saw his wife though, his eyebrow raised questioningly and a stern look came into his eyes.

They entered the family kitchen, Saria towing her daughter and leaving her in a chair near the fire.

"I do not want to see you near those strangers, you hear? They are trouble!" said Kira's mother firmly, shaking her finger under her daughter's nose. "I'll have your father give you a whipping you won't forget if I so much as smell them on you." With a final shake of her finger, Saria turned and walked to her Herb room, adjacent to the kitchen as it was.

Kira stared after her, eyes wide with disbelief. What had they ever done to her... she thought, ending the thought in her head before it finished. Her mother had a very unknown past, as she had disappeared at the age of fourteen with two strangers and appearing five years later with Kira's father firmly attached.

The next morning, Kira went out for a walk, seeking out Gared, her sweetheart since about the age of eleven. Not seeing him, Kira headed towards the forest, grabbing a herb collecting sack on her way past the house. She got about two feet before her mother yelled, "Kira, help your father today!" from one of the second story's windows.

Sighing at the missed opportunity, Kira headed back to her father's workshop, where she picked up a few tools and sat to work on her newest, and possibly best saddle. Her father looked at her as she entered, then said in his low, charming voice, "That one will be good enough to sell, I think." Pride filled his voice on behalf of his daughter's skill at saddle making. "Also, Kira, a buyer is coming by this afternoon. I would like you to demonstrate your riding on a few of the saddles. It seems to sell them better."

Kira grinned. Riding was her all time favorite thing to do. She had no horse of her own, but she was allowed to ride Slyder, one of the horses her father owned.

The day went quickly, Kira's hands flying as they put together the saddle with precision. The leather shaped itself as her mind told it, barely needing her new found skill to be attached in the right place.

At about three o' clock, the strange woman and man came into the shop looking circumspectly at the saddles lining the walls.

"Very nice craftsmanship," said the man, looking at Trant. He stiffened under the gaze and replied smoothly, "That is my daughter's work." He gestured to Kira who sat in the corner staring at the two in horror. Her mother's threat hung in her ears. "If I so much as smell them on you..."

"Enough, Mariten," said the woman, laying a hand on the other's arm. "Trant, we came to see Saria," she said bluntly. Kira gaped at this woman. How did she know her mother and father's names?

But her father grimaced and walked inside to where her mother was undoubtedly making dinner or curing some sick person. "What do you want, Hether?" Saria asked the moment she stepped through the door. "You can't have my daughter, she doesn't have the spark." "I don't want your daughter, I just wanted to talk. An ex-Aes Sedai is hard to come by around here, let alone with her warder still attached."

"I am still Aes Sedai," she growled under her breath. Kira's breath stopped. This was something she had not known about her mother. Aes Sedai meant her mother could channel. Aes Sedai explained everything.

"We know about the wolves, Saria," Mariten said softly.

Kira's mother sighed. "I knew too, but she is so special to us..."

"It is too late for that. Whether or not she has the spark, the Tower will allow her to be among her own kind, and the wolves."

While most of this passed over Kira's head, she did realize they must be talking about her. Go to the Tower? What is that? And what about the wolves?

"We leave tomorrow. Already two candidates for the Books have been found, and more come next year to check as well. The Two Rivers is a valuable harvest. Think on what we have said."

Kira's mother did think on it, for three days she thought on it and by that time the Aes Sedai was long one. But, in the end the decision was made for her to journey to the Tower.

"Her is a hreb bag I made for you," her mother had said on that departing day. Her father had given her something as well, Slyder. The horse funny colored though he was, was smooth to ride and a horse Kira was familiar with. She was also given a saddle, worked with scrolled roses on the fenders and skirts.

Her journey was rough, often times she had to live off the jerky she had packed. Sleeping conditions ranged everywhere from mud to hard dirt.

At last, she had made it to the Grey Tower. At last, she might have found her home.

Career History

  • Drin
  • Ji'val
  • Gaidin