Kiellan Lomore

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Kiellan Lomore
Key-EHL-lan Loh-MOH-ray
Created by Teddy
Gender Male
Occupation Asha'man of the Grey Ajah
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Altaran (Ebou Dar)
Weapon Skills
  • Dagger ✦
OP Strength 7.8
Affinities Earth, Fire, Air, Spirit, Water

Kiellan Lomore is an Altaran Grey Oathsworn Asha'man of the Grey Tower.


Standing at 6’3’’, most people would probably be intimidated by Kiellan at first glance. This is only emphasized by his slightly rugged looks, as well as the occasional bruise or black eye, but as soon as you look into his eyes, you know he won’t harm you unprovoked. His brown eyes and boyish face radiate a youthful, rash playfulness. He has a sun-kissed, olive complexion, and his dark brown hair falls down his face in a slight curl, ending just above the neck. As an Altaran, especially one of the Rahad of Ebou Dar, Kiellan has been forced to learn how to fight, and this, combined with the poverty and malnourishment of the Rahad, shaped Kiellan into the thin, but strong man that Kiellan is today.

Kiellan lives by the moment, and usually does whatever his instinct tells him would be most fun. His impulsivity occasionally gets him in trouble, but he does know the art of walking the line, and makes sure he almost never goes too far. While living in the Rahad has not quenched his enjoyment of the small pleasures in life, it has instilled in him a lack of compassion and trust. He won’t be unfriendly toward strangers, but he has had to fend for himself for his entire life, which has led him to believe that he can take care of himself just fine without the help of others. Friends are not an unknown concept to Kiellan, but they have been rare all throughout his life, and the definition of ‘friends’ in the Rahad is probably not the same as anywhere else. They are mostly seen as people you can get along with, but they might just as well stab you in the back if they see a gain in it. As nobody except for his mother and brother ever helped him, Kiellan is also not inclined to be forthcoming to others.


Born the fifth child of a thief and a healer, life hasn’t exactly been easy on Kiellan, but for someone from the Rahad, it hasn’t been hard either. In an area where stabbings are not uncommon, healers have considerable power, and Shannah Lomore was the best. Her knowledge of herbs, the herbs stolen for her by her husband, made sure everybody in the Rahad knew not to mess with her, and if messing with her family was the surest way to achieve that. While there definitely was no abundance of food, none of Kiellan’s siblings died of hunger, a remarkable feat for a family in the Rahad. Jonna Lomore mostly spent his days away from home, and while he clearly loved his wife, the same could not necessarily be said for his children. He never took any particular interest in them, and spent all of his time at home with their mother instead of them. Even these days were rare, however, as herbs were a valuable possession, and not easy to steal. With their mother busy with her healing, and their father never home, the job of taking care of the children fell on Kiellan’s oldest brother, Pettar.

As a child, Kiellan loved to learn and explore. Unsupervised by his parents, he regularly got lost in the narrow alleys of the Rahad, and occasionally even had to spend the night there. Although there was nothing to learn in the Rahad, Pettar sometimes took him to the other side of the Eldar, to the main part of Ebou Dar. Kiellan loved these little trips, with the splendor of the white buildings and the canals. They would go to taverns and markets to talk to those who had seen more of the world than they could ever hope to. They would speak of remote places that Kiellan had never even heard of, exotic lands and their bizarre customs. Kiellan dreamed of travelling with the peddlers and gleemen, and fantasized about all the adventures he would have on the road.

Where other kids of the Rahad were fighting, Kiellan was trying to learn more, always more. If other kids would challenge him to fight with them, he would try to get out of it by talking the other person into walking away peacefully. This did not sit well with his mother. In Altara, refusing to duel is incredibly shameful, and while the children’s fighting could not be called duelling, Shannah still saw it as a sign of weakness. Although she dearly loved her children, and worked every waking moment of her life to make sure her children would survive, she did not tolerate weakness. She was fiercely proud of her children’s strength, but she never seemed to be able to get Kiellan to join his siblings. When Kiellan turned twelve, she started using rougher methods. Whenever Kiellan would try to get of a fight, she took him to her working space. She would take her marriage knife, with the six pieces of glass on it, and make a deep cut in his arm. She made sure it festered so it would leave a scar before she treated it. After three of these scars had appeared on his arm, Kiellan learned to listen to his mother and started to fight more and more.

Over time, this fighting changed Kiellan. His explorative side that had been so strong as a child developed into a different kind of exploration. He started getting in trouble more often, and became more sociable with the other kids of the Rahad. He lived the life his mother wanted him to live, only very occasionally sneaking off to the main city now. He grew to enjoy being outside, being busy, and the fighting. He even learned a little bit on how to duel with the traditional Altaran curved dagger.

On one of these trips to the inner city of Ebou Dar, he spotted a pair of foreigners, a man and a woman. The woman was almost inhumanly elegant, and both she and the man wore clothes that were probably more expensive than Kiellan’s house. But this wasn’t what caught his eye. Around the woman’s neck, a brown shawl was draped, and the man had a brown cord around his. Kiellan recognized them from the stories; these people were channelers. Deciding this was his chance to learn something new, he followed the strangers. After a short time, the pair stopped at an inn and went inside. Hesitating only for a moment, Kiellan pushed open the door and walked in.

The two channelers sat at a table on the other side of the room. With them was a group of two girls and one boy; all looked Altaran. Kiellan only had a second to glance around the room –it was completely empty apart from that one group- before he suddenly gasped. For some reason, he was unable to move even a muscle of his body, except for those needed to breathe. The woman with the brown shawl approached him with an angry look on her face.

“I demand you tell us who you are. I saw you following us, do not deny it. If you know what is good for you, you will answer truthfully.” The man wearing the chord walked up to them, silently watching Kiellan. Fear rose up inside him, but he could not get his tongue to move.

“You might want to release his tongue if you want him to answer, Rivaya,” the man said with a faint smile. The woman gave him an angry glance, but when her gaze returned to Kiellan, his tongue was able to move again. Kiellan tried frantically to gather his thoughts. Should he tell these people who he really was? Or should he make something up and get away from them at the first opportunity?

“My name is Kiellan Lomore, I’m from the Rahad. I recognized your shawl and chord, and I was curious. That’s why I followed you.” He hoped the woman wouldn’t think he was lying to her. She looked ready to tear his head off if he so much as looked at her the wrong way. His answer seemed to relax her a little, but she still looked furious. The man, however, gave Kiellan a calming smile. Kiellan hoped he was the one in charge here.

“You recognized our shawl and chord?” the woman said, seemingly without noticing her companion, “Than you must know at least some of what we are, of what we can do. And yet you decided it was a good idea to follow us, sneaking after us, out of curiosity? Tell me, boy, are you suicidal or just incredibly stupid?” Kiellan had been scolded a lot the last couple of years, and he usually just shrugged it off, but this woman’s voice seemed to penetrate his soul.

The man finally put his hand on the woman’s shoulder. “That’ll do, Rivaya. The boy looks like he just saw a Myrddraal. The only crime he’s guilty of is curiosity. You’re a Brown, can’t you forgive him for that?” He turned to Kiellan with a genuinely warm smile. “My name is Fares Asha’man and this lovely woman here is Rivaya Aes Sedai. We are both of the Brown Ajah of the Grey Tower. We are here to escort these three children to the Grey Tower.”

With a last grimace at the man –Fares, he had said his name was- the woman called Rivaya somehow removed the bounds that kept him in his place and tried to look calm. She only somewhat succeeded. Trying to hide his tension, Kiellan thought about what the man had said. The Grey Tower, huh? Than those three children must’ve been gathered because they could channel, to study at the Tower.. “So these three must be able to channel as well, right? How can you tell?” Fares had been friendly, but Kiellan shocked himself with how forward his question was.

Apparently, the Asha’man didn’t seem to mind. He chuckled. “You didn’t lie, you are a curious boy. To answer your question, none of them can channel yet, but they can learn. Not many people can. Rivaya Sedai can sense it in girls, and I can test the boys, although I can’t sense it. Three of them here is quite a good catch.”

Kiellan didn’t really understand what Fares had just said. So some people could learn, but not everyone? It seemed a little strange. “Could you…?” Kiellan said, as a thought popped into his mind, “could you test me?” Wait, what? Why had he just said that? Did he even want to be able to channel? He had heard a lot of stories about the Aes Sedai and Asha’man, and not all of them had been kind about them.

The other man’s kind face turned serious as he nodded. “I suppose I can.” The next moment, a small flame was dancing on the man’s fingertips, its red and yellow tongues licking at his middle finger. Kiellan could feel the heat radiating from the conjured flame, but the Asha’man didn’t seem to notice. He locked eyes with Kiellan, his green eyes hypnotizing in their concentration. “Focus on the flame. Stare into it. There is nothing here but the flame, only the flame matters. Focus.” Frowning, and almost petrified by a sudden surge of anxiety, Kiellan obeyed. The world around him seemed to fade as he stared into the flame.

Hours had passed –or had it been seconds?- by the time Fares finally shifted his gaze to Rivaya. The Asha’man’s face had remained calm throughout the whole endeavour, but he now looked genuinely surprised. “Rivaya, the boy has the spark.”

The rest of the night, they talked about what that meant. Kiellan had the spark, he could channel, and would likely die if he did not go with them to the Tower to train and learn to contain his power. When they were done talking, or at least, when Fares told him they were done, he went home. The Asha’man had allowed him one hour to go back home, gather everything he owned, say goodbye to his family and return. When he did, it was with tears in his eyes. He knew he would not see his family again in a long time, if ever.

Career History

  • Soldier (25 September 2015)
  • Dedicated (16 November 2015)
  • Asha'man of the Grey Ajah (19 January 2016)
  • Head Clerk of the Grey Ajah (23 January 2016)