Kaelyn Allette

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Kaelyn Allette
Kay-Linn Ah-let
Created by Nadine
Gender Female
Occupation Novice
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Family Laela Allette (mother)
Nationality Hama Valoner
Affinities Spirit, Air, Water, Earth, Fire

Kaelyn Allette is a Hama Valoner Novice of the Grey Tower.


Kaelyn is the spitting image of her mother, with pitch black hair dangling in delicate ringlets around her shoulder. Her blue almond shaped eyes are piercing, but always seem to be hiding a small smile, and yet there is a darkness to them that her mother never had. A grim determination in her expression as though she sees an obstacle to her goals before her, but she won’t let anything stop her. Her full, and pouty, lips are often quirked into a smile, unless performing her regular exercises, in which they are pulled tight into a small frown.

She has pale skin that gets easily sunburned when she’s outside for too long, and a tightly athletic build. Her body is thin, with prominent breasts, and full hips. She’s truly an up and coming beauty that already rivals her mother as she gets older.

She has almost a split personality, her mother’s kindness and determination had rubbed off onto her quite nicely, and she also seemed to have inherited her mother's warrior spirit, as she trains with both the bow and sword daily. She is all smiles outside of the training grounds and classrooms, but when she has work to get done, she is very serious and focused and won’t miss anything, and in fact, when under stress, she has a tendency to let her anger get the best of her, often lashing out at the same people that she wishes to befriend.


She lined up the trolloc with the arrow that sat knocked in the bow, the string quivering beneath her callused fingertips. Finally getting her bearings, she aims the arrow into an arc, and releases the bow. Miraculously, the arrow finds its home right in the unarmored, and vulnerable neck of the goat faced, trolloc. It takes a few more steps forward, clutching at the arrow as it does so, as if to rip it out from its skin before it collapses to the ground, barely breathing, and slowly dying.

Kaelyn doesn’t have the time to appreciate her kill, however. She quickly aims another arrow at one of his comrades, performing the same mental checks and releasing the arrow, this one ricocheting off of his breast plate, harmlessly falling to the ground.

“You’re doing well,” Laela says from beside her, launching a fireball into a small group of trollocs. “Just keep focused.”

Her mother had always said that fire was her worst element, it always seemed to leave her drained after a battle when she’d use fire. Kaelyn allowed herself a small smile at the praise before focusing again on the battle. She was young, some would say too young to be participating in such a fight. Her bows were smaller to account for her limited strength, and though she needed to wait for her enemies to get closer than the men, her aim was normally spot on.

Kaelyn was barely 15, and so most objected to Kaelyn fighting alongside her mother on the ramparts of the fort, but since Laela was the one leading the defense of the fort, there was little they could do to change her mind. Kaelyn was glad for the chance to get practice, and she never let her stray too far. It was better this way. Kaelyn never liked it when Mother would go into the battles with her sword, since Kaelyn always had to stay in her quarters during those battles. She was used to it, since she had been raised out in the borderlands. It was a simple mission that had taken mother far away from all the people she loved... from Kaelyn’s father (wherever he was). She had been on a diplomatic mission, and wound up getting involved in the nearly daily sieging of this fort alongside the blight. The fort was of great importance to the area, and if it fell, Saldaea could likely follow. If not, it would certainly have a difficult time keeping its defenses up.

This was all just a fact of life for the young woman. She didn’t remember much of anything else, and they had, in-fact, made a kind of home here. Kaelyn quickly took to the local customs of the Saldaeans, always carrying a knife as most women do (though she would have no idea how to use it if she needed to). She’d grown accustomed to the life out here, and considered herself one of their countrymen, though her mother insisted that she was born in the Grey Tower, and it would be her home again, as soon as they returned.

It made no difference to her at the moment, with a bow in her hands, and a sword at her hip, she was ready for this coming battle. Her mother was weaving a shield of air around them, to block incoming arrows, leaving only the smallest gap for her at the moment when she would fire her shot at the Trolloc unlucky enough to find themselves in her sights.

She released another arrow and it managed to find home in the gap of the armor at his shoulder, but as he bellowed in pain, Kaelyn knew she’d only succeeded in making him mad. The smaller bow wasn’t as deadly, and the arrow couldn’t penetrate the armor, leaving it all up to her ability to aim for the exposed flesh of the neck. Trembling fingers released another arrow, once again bouncing off of his armor, and as he looked at Kaelyn, she felt a shudder go through her, and suddenly his writhed in pain as a ball of fire found its way towards him.

She glanced at her mother in annoyance. “I was just about to get him!” she said indignantly.

“You were hitting him, but he would have ordered a hail of arrows in our direction. You were doing well, focus on the others,” she instructed, and so Kaelyn obeyed, if reluctantly.

She took aim again, but something caused her to hesitate. A trickling at the back of her neck as her hairs stood out on end.

“Fades!” she shouted as the cloaked figures came into view, riding into the battle in the distant hills, followed by the shadows of the thousands of trollocs behind them. This wasn’t the battle... they’d been fighting scouts, a small force designed to weaken the fort, not destroy it.

Laela looked out and could see them, several fades, and her expression faltered. “Get back down, you know where to go,” she said, and as she let Kaelyn begin to run down her own evacuation route, Laela put a hand to her mouth, and in a voice magnified by the one power shouted. “Fades! On the battlefield! Several fists worth! All men, assemble!”

At this call, Kaelyn could notice men arranging themselves in a distinctive pattern as her mother would be moving in to kill the fade, and destroy the rest of the trollocs. Kaelyn didn’t like leaving the battle, but she knew she stood no chance against so many trollocs. The hail of arrows over the ramparts by itself would riddle her as a pincushion.

She waited within the walls of the fort, ducking around armed and armored men to find her place behind them all, so that she may watch whenever mother came back. The sounds of the battle outside were terrible, and the siege continued relentlessly. She patted at the bow, slung over her shoulder, nervously awaiting her mother to return.

She could hear the occasional shouts of her mother, magnified by the power again, to relay her orders in coded messages, finally followed by a loud “Open the gates!” she commanded, and that they did, the gates streamed open, and a handful of survivors managed to find their way inside, the trollocs held at bay only by a stream of flames from her mother's fingertips. They closed the gates and reformed as they prepared for gate entry, all the forces outside of the wall depleted.

Laela hobbled her way over to Kaelyn, covered with cuts and a gash on her right arm. Her hands traced along Kaelyn's face as she looked her daughter earnestly in the eye. “It’s time,” she says, taking a deep breath. “You’ll be safe in the tower, I’ve taught you all that I can. Somebody else must be there to guide you on this journey.”

“What?” Kaelyn looked at her mother as though crazy. “No! I’m not leaving you, not like this!” she said with an agonizing expression.

“It’s not for you to decide. They outnumber us 10 to 1. The chances of us getting out of this alive are...” Laela faltered, hugging her daughter close. “I love you, and I want you to have a full life. You’ll be taken care of there at the tower... now go.”

At this, a gateway opened up behind her, Kaelyn looked at it disbelieving.... had Mother had this power all along? Why hadn’t she left sooner?

“That’s Hama Valon. The city surrounding the Grey Tower. Wear this... the right people will recognize it and take you to the tower. There are wards all around the grounds, so this is the closest I can bring you... now go.”

Kaelyn threw her arms around her mother, trying to hold back the tears. “No! Mother! You can’t go! Not like this... come with me!” she pleaded.

“I cannot abandon these men now, and we cannot abandon this fort. If we can hold out long enough until reinforcements get here, it will be all right. But you’re almost of age, you have the spark, and you’ll be channeling soon, like-it-or-not,” at those words the gates buckled and crashed and the trollocs began pouring in, meeting the waiting soldiers in a clash of blood and steel. “Go!” she shouted, embracing her daughter one last time. “I’m not going to give up. You won’t either.”

Laela gave her daughter one last look, over the shouts of dying men and the bestial roars of dying Trollocs, Laela used the last bit of strength she had to tie Kaelyn up in air, and threw her through the gateway. Kaelyn had only a glimpse of her before the gateway snapped shut. Kaelyn didn’t move, and only stared at where her mother had been only moments before.

Her dress was smudged with grass stains from her tumble through the gateway, and she finally looked into her hand as she tried to determine what her mother had placed in her hand, and saw that it was her mother’s blue Kesiera, the golden chain glinting in the pale light of day. She finally pulled it around her head, the jewel dangling freely as she got one jerky step upwards, and looked at the city walls not far away.

“Laela Sedai?” a voice called out from a nearby road. From the look of the woman she was an Aes Sedai, with all the ageless quality she recognized from her mother. “No... I’m sorry.” she immediately corrected. “I felt channeling from over here and decided to investigate...”

“She... was... or... she is my mother,” Kaelyn said in a shaky voice. “She was at Fort Hammer in Saldaea... it was overrun with Trollocs. She sent me here... said it was my time.”

The woman nodded. “I was a novice back when she was the Mistress of Novices. I’ll take you to the tower, everything will be fine. I’ll send word to all the appropriate people and see if they can’t send aid to Fort Hammer. Light willing, we’re not too late. But you best put that out of your mind, Child. You’ve you training to worry about, now.”

Kaelyn followed the strange woman, the familiarity of her mother was somewhat comforting. Kaelyn didn’t say what she thought, that her mother might not even be alive anymore, but she held onto hope, the smallest of hopes that she would see her mother again. After all... as both mother and that woman had said, she had her training ahead of her.

Career History

  • Novice (4 April 2012)