Firen Cutren

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Firen Cutren
Fear-an Cut-trun
Created by Maria
Gender Female
Occupation Novice
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Domani
OP Strength 6.0
Affinities Fire, Water, Spirit, Air, Earth

Firen Cutren is a Domani Novice of the Grey Tower.


Firen has dark, curly hair, hazel eyes and a pouting smile which always makes her seem equally ready to laugh or cry. Fiery and passionate, she is young to be entered in the novice book and barely looks thirteen. She is short for her age but has a figure which promises to be voluptous when she reaches maturity.


A man and woman stood in the doorway of their simple farmhouse, their hands raised in farewell. Behind them the Mountains of Mist were outlined in the distance, the summer sun reflecting off the snow covered peaks. Four strapping boys, all close in age, ran alongside the horses until they were exhausted, calling cheerful goodbyes to their young sister. Firen watched until they were out of sight, eventually turning in her saddle to face the road ahead. She kept her eyes fixed on her bay mare and refused to speak for a time, but Mariande Sedai was kind, and skilled in this sort of thing. She talked of the Grey Tower as a big family; the novices were looked after and taught wonderful, dangerous things. A little cajoling soon brought the naturally cheerful Domani round, and a display of coloured balls of fire made her laugh in earnest. Following her instructions the Grey continued to tempt the small girl and eventually Firen produced a ball of her own.

"You have a Talent," the Aes Sedai told her, "and the spark inborn." She continued to describe the studies that novices were expected to apply themselves to rigorously, and Firen soon became captivated with the illusions saidar could make. She felt an intense longing to create something beautiful, something intricate and marvellous. Mariande had told her it would take a full week to reach the Tower, and Firen was determined to learn about as much of her new life as she could, pestering the patient Grey with all the questions she could think of. Only occasionally was her enthusiasm overshadowed by homesickness. Twice she tried to slip away in the night and had to be coaxed back, yet both times she was just as determined to become an Aes Sedai the next morning.

They made camp for the last time in a sheltered clearing, almost within sight of Elman's Creek. Firen gazed into the flames of the campfire, fascinated by the flickering colours. She could feel it's warmth on her face and smell the wood burning. It was so beautiful, she wanted to hold it. A look of rapture in her dark eyes, Firen extended her hand towards the dancing lights, wondering which to catch first.

"Girl, if you do that once more I will make you weep for it. I've told you before; an affinity for fire does not mean it won't burn you."

Firen jumped, startled to find Mariande Sedai standing behind her with a long suffering look on her round face.

"Yes, Aes Sedai", she squeaked, obediently shuffling away from the fire. "May I make it bigger, if I promise not to touch it? Please?" Firen looked up at the Grey earnestly, and the woman nodded, prompting a gleeful squeal. Firen raised her hands, as she had at home without knowing why or how she did it, and thought of the fire. The flames wobbled, shimmered and suddenly doubled in size, radiating an intense heat. Firen laughed in delight and looked at the Aes Sedai for approval, but the Grey remained impassive. The young Domani transferred her attention to the Warder, a friendly Borderlander named Acreth. He smiled back at her, and then raised a finger in warning.

"I'm going to collect firewood. Be sure to stay out of trouble, now." Firen nodded vigorously and he grinned before disappearing into the shadows. Firen sat as still as possible, trying to empty her mind as the Aes Sedai had taught her, but nothing happened and her gaze kept returning to the fire, to its warmth and the smell of wood burning. It was so beautiful; she wanted to hold it . . . .

Acreth returned with an armload of twigs to find the child crouched by the fire sobbing. Mariande was smoothing her bedroll and muttering irritably, her hairbrush lying close by. The Warder busied himself stoking the fire.

"Try to touch the flames again?" he asked companionably. The girl nodded miserably and he smiled ruefully. Giving the fire a last prod he settled himself on the ground and began counting in his head. He reached five before the child crawled over to him, still snivelling. Mariande sniffed sharply but said nothing as he allowed Firen to climb onto his lap, curling up and purring like a cat when he put his arms around her. Within minutes she was asleep.

"She will not have such comfort in the Tower, Acreth, you do her no favours." Mariande came to sit next to her Warder, the edge gone from her voice now the girl couldn't hear her.

"She is too young, Mariande, not even thirteen. We should have left her for a year or two." He stroked the girl's hair but kept his eyes on his Aes Sedai.

"That was not my decision," the Andoran Grey sighed. "She has been channelling unknowingly for over a year now, and the Tower decided we couldn't wait any longer. Besides, she's keen and a quick learner. It's too late." He gave her a doubtful look but made no comment. Mariande cast about for a change of subject.

"It may be too late for you, as well. You look like an indolent father. How are you going to spring to my defence, with her on top of you?" She gave him a look that said she was not quite joking and he smirked at her.

"Jealous?" He lifted Firen up and set her on her blankets, careful not to wake her.

"May I offer you the same service the young lady received, my Aes Sedai?" He made a mocking seated bow and the plump Grey laughed as she took her place on her lover's lap. Their laughter echoed across the campsite and in her sleep Firen smiled too. The Aes Sedai in her dreams were much nicer and the lights danced at her command. She was Firen Cutren, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and she could make the most beautiful colours in the world.

Career History

  • Novice (19 April 2011)