Fanfic:The Cleansing/Part Two

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The Cleansing/Part Two
  • Alexandra
  • George Prochaska
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Cade entered the halls of the Learning Ranks to find the floors littered with thousands of dead rodents. As he turned the corner he saw the Amyrlin talking with the Keeper, Zaria Sedai, and an Accepted that he didn't recognize. Not being much of a social person, Cade spent most of his time down in the Indigo Ajah Vaults. Usually a quiet place to do scholarly work and ter'angreal study. A perfect place to suit his particular expertise. Today however shortly before Dawn as he had just finished his rounds of the Lower Vaults, the Master of Soldiers had met him just outside the entrance to the second level...

As strange as it was, the one time Indigo Head had not spoken to him but only nodded and continued on in silence. Sofina returned his blank face, Neither had met with the new Master of Soldiers since his return to the Tower from Shara, but it was becoming common knowledge that he no longer spoke out loud, the reason being left to speculation. Daimenin and the others, half a dozen Indigo Asha'man and five more Aes Sedai continued on to the wards which Sofina and Cade had just finished remaking. The huge Ghealdanin Asha'man suddenly seized Saidin, only he was linked through a brown haired Cairhienin Aes Sedai who Cade didn't recognize. As the flows were passed to him, Daimenin deftly unwove the wards without a hesitation. All of the Indigo staring at his skill in awe, not one of them could have unwove a ward as he just had, especially not with his speed. Some time ago the Indigo Ajah had placed a dual ward which required a man and a woman linked to undo in order to even enter the first level of the vaults. The farther into the depths one went the more complex the wards, by the time one got to the sixth level where all of the most dangerous ter'angreal and sa'angreal were kept it took a circle of three to undo the weaves. He and Sofina had only patrolled to the fourth level. The fifth and the sixth levels were patrolled only once a week as it took a Second Aes Sedai to join the circle just to undo the wards to enter. He and Sofina followed the small army of Indigoes who were now fanning out checking every room in the second level of the vaults for any signs of disturbance from visitors, both human and animal. As they caught up, Sofina tapped a young newly raised Aes Sedai from Saldaea on the shoulder.

"What is happening, Veira?"

"We are instructed to search for any sign of ward tampering or disturbances in the Vaults, Sofina." With that she turned and redoubled her search of the small clutch to her left.

Cade walked up to the group of women standing over the dead rodent army with hesitation. Not fear exactly, but he wasn't used to addressing such a large goup. Especially not one containing such high Members as the Amyrlin and the Keeper.

"Forgive me Mother, Keeper, Aes Sedai...Daimenin Asha'man sends word that the wards hold." No need to say which wards nor what he meant by they hold. Amora en'Damier would know what the one-time Indigo Head had meant. Cade could still see the words of Fire written in Saidin in front of him. He was still amazed at having seen the weaves formed. Waiting for a response from the Amyrlin, he started planning how he could best beg Daimenin for some time to study the weaves.

The Amyrlin inclined her head to imply that she had heard, but raised a single finger to indicate both silence and pause. She concluded her instructions to Accepted Zuri, "Zuri Kiyori, then; pull all people and resources you need to complete this report, and in the proper form. It may be due by Early tomorrow, but deliver it to the Keeper at all possible speed, even if we are in meetings." She paused slightly for questions. "That will be all, child. Now make haste."

Then to Cade she turned and regarded him with a piercing gaze, "Good." It was not without some internal relief. Most Mothers and Fathers would have feared theft of only the dangerous artifacts. But Amora felt a certain like-mindedness with the Indigo Ajah. She had chosen her Ajah before theirs was formed, but may have worn an Indigo rather than a Blue fringed shawl had she been a decade younger. She herself had made no small contribution of artifacts to those vaults over her lifetime. The theft of her work, as well as others, was not just the loss of function but of art.

"I trust the Master of Soldiers or First Seeker dispatched Residue Weavers too, correct?" One could, of course, open a gateway beyond the wards and not touch them at all in certain places.

Cade bowed his head slightly before speaking, it was something different for him to carry on a conversation, especially with someone in a position of power. He had only ever before spoken to Daimenin when he was Ajah Head for the Indigo, and he had a decidedly different way of speaking with subordinates which always put Cade at ease.

"The First Seeker is outside of the Tower, Mother, but Daimenin Asha'man has taken the lead. He holds quite a particular fancy for the Vaults as you probably know already..." what was he doing, rambling on like this. It was not like Cade to speak so much to anyone.

"He searched the entire Vaults himself for Residues, Mother. Nothing has come of it."

He searched the entire Vaults himself? The Amyrlin, if she ever looked pleased, smiled faintly at the thought. It was heartening that the Master had slipped into Llewellyn's shoes so easily while she was away, and more importantly, what needed to be done had been done. "Very well, then. Walk with me." There was no other business tying her here, and there were appointments to keep. As she walked, the Flame Staff clicked along the marbel floor. "I want the Vaults protected on every floor and every enterance from the outside by one Sister and one Brother of the Green Ajah on rotating shifts, and the Vaults themselves monitored daily, as it was today, until this distraction has passed."

Amora Sedai leaned in slightly towards Crysthia. "The plague itself may be the more likely reason behind this infestation. But we will take no chances with precious artifacts while our attention may otherwise be averted."

Meanwhile, Beatrice was issuing orders on the part of the Amyrlin that Accepted and Dediacted were to use their chore times to cleanse the halls, of rats, holes, and what they left behind. Small amounts of the One Power were permitted for these chores, given the gravity of the situation. And those middle ranks were assigned into semi-random pairs.

Cade nodded silently to the Amyrlin's edicts, barely holding back a sigh at the thought of having to tell the Master of Soldiers that she expected him to give over protection of the Vaults to the Green Ajah, even if only at the perimeter. No doubt he would assign at least one Indigo to accompany each group of Greens. Cade would be expected to serve, but at least the assignment would keep him inside his area of study. Aside from Daimenin and the First Seeker, Cade was the most trusted with the protection of the sixth and seventh levels.

"I will notify Daimenin Asha'man of your commands, Mother. Should I also notify the Captain General?" He asked, unsure if that was considered part of his instructions.

"That would be most useful, yes," she regarded him carefully, a quick glance that read much but revealed nothing, it guided her next move, "but not before eliciting his council. I would have the perimeter secure, but any advice or recommendations he may have concerning the Vaults or the children under his care during this time may be delivered to me or the Keeper in my stead. Is that understood, son?" It was time to give Daimenin more authority. He had anticipated what had needed to be done and completed it before there was a need to order it. That was a sign of a good Officer.

"Explicitly, Mother. I will deliver your message." Cade had no doubt that Daimenin would have suggestions for her indeed. He was impressed with the Amyrlin's ability to see ahead the conflict in Daimenin's eyes between the Indigo's duty to protect the vaults and the Green ajah being allowed what could be considered free access to them. Either that, or the Amyrlin relied on Daimenin's advice in this matter as much as the Indigo Ajah always did on any issue.

"Will you require any more of me, Mother?" he asked with as much politeness as he could gather, forcing himself to remain impassive. Cade didn't wish to offend the Amyrlin Seat at all, but he did ache to be back in the storerooms. He had talked more in the last few minutes than an average week!

"Give my best regards to the Master, son." A faint smile, "I hope a mutually agreeable time may be arranged for him to meet and discuss the Indigo Ajah and his interests." She should not need to explain what that meant, Daimenin would understand. He was invited to speak casually, perhaps over wine or supper, and may one day be relied on as a close advisor, depending on how he played the Game. This was said in Crysthia's presence so that she would be prepared to make time in the Amyrlin's schedule. Amora regarded Cade directly, "That will do, son."

"Yes, Mother. May the Light illumine you." With another deep bow of his head, Cade turned and left with all haste. Not running of course, Asha'man did not run away...He was simply in a hurry to get back was all.

He had no doubt that the Master of Soldiers would understand what she meant by her invitation. He himself did not find much use for Daes Dae'mar, being a solitary scholar, but he had no doubt that Daimenin could play.