Fanfic:Tamora's Great Stair

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Tamora's Great Stair
  • Lou
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Tamora looked down at her naked body, though all thoughts of being embarrassed were long gone. She raised her head, and looked up towards the Great Stair before her. She knew her legs were trembling slightly, and her breaths were sharp and shallow. She was unsure if she was ready for this, but those Raised above her thought she was. Taking in a long, deep breath, Tamora walked forward towards the first step, her thoughts whirling wildly as everything around her went dark.

The Yellow Weave

It was dark as Tamora tried to move forward. It was hard work as if the air before her did not want her to continue. It's so cold, why is it so cold, she thought as she continued trying to move through the oppressive air. Maybe I am doing it wrong, maybe... Tamora's thoughts were cut off by a shock of cold air that travelled down her throat and into her lungs. It made it hard to breath, and for a moment the shock left her paralysed and breathless. It was as if a winter wind and wrapped her up and was forcing her to stay where she was.

Trying to stay calm was hard work, as she finally managed to take some short shallow breaths, not wanting the cold to hurt her chest again. As she did a faint yellow glow appear before her. Straining her eyes, she tried to move forward again. She tried to concentrate on the glow, but her body was shaking with the cold, and she was beginning to feel light headed from the shallow quick breaths she had been taking. Stumbling forward, her limbs slowly going numb, she tried to focus once more of the yellow glow before her.

There was something in the middle of it that was what was emanating the glow. It was a shape, a number, Sixty Three. A sharp memory penetrated through her mind. The test, the weaves, number sixty-three! Closing her eyes for a moment, Tamora opened herself up to Saidar and she felt the warm glow fill her body. Her body still shook with cold, but with Saidar coursing through her she was able to focus her mind a little more. With her eyes closed, she ran through all of the Hundred Weaves she had learned until she came to the sixty-third. Smiling despite how numb she felt, Tamora began to channel. As she twisted thick strands of Spirit and began to thread a thinner strand of Water through it before touching it with a hint of Fire. It was a Healing weave, one designed to help with severe frostbite. As she tied the weave off, the cold seemed to vanish from around her, as she shielded her eyes from the bright white light that suddenly surrounded her.

The Yellow Step

The sun was setting as Tamora led her mare, Chalinda, down the path. Her mare was living up to her name, and even though Tamora knew she was tired, the mare still had the sweetest nature. She was tired and travel weary herself, and she was looking forward to a long hot bath, and a good meal. She knew the town of Serpent's Tooth was not too much further ahead, and she was glad she would make it before complete dark. Patting Chalindra's nose, Tamora continued her walk, glad she had chosen to wear her soft brown leather boots instead of her favourite satin slippers.

A sudden noise caught her attention. That sounded like a moan, Tamora thought as she began to turn her head trying to catch the noise again. The path was surrounded by trees and large bushes on both sides. I need more help, she thought as she opened herself up to Saidar. She knew once she did, her hearing would be a little more sensitive, and her sight would be that little sharper. And it pays to be prepared, just in case! As she felt the joy of having Saidar flow through her, she began to look around once more. " there anyone there....?" Tamora's voice held the steel edge that most Aes Sedai had when they wanted too. Almost as if in answer, Tamora heard a moan again, and this time she could tell where it was coming from.

Moving to her left, back slightly the way she had come, Tamora came across what had made the noise. There before her on the ground was a young woman. She was lying in a ditch, and she was covered in blood. Rushing to her side, Tamora began to look her over. The girl's dress was torn and ripped, and she was showing more leg than her clothes would have normally let her. Her legs were covered in scrapes and bruises, as were her arms. The girls left arm was bent at an unnatural angle, as was her jaw and the girl's nose looked broken, and there was a nasty cut across her right cheek. She looked up at Tamora through lidded eyes, and at that her heart wrenched.

She has been attacked and raped, Tamora through as she began to make soothing noises to the girl as she began to make the weave for Delve. She needed to know exactly what injuries the girl had before she tried to do anything else. Channelling Spirit, Tamora laid the weave over the girl, and began to read what it told her. The girl's jaw and arm were broken, and the cut on her cheek was deep, but what concerned her most was that the girls left kidney was failing, like she had been kicked there. Sighing sadly, Tamora looked back down to the girl.

"My name is Tamora, I am an Aes Sedai, and I am here to help you!" Tamora watched the girl's eyes to see if she understood. The girl blinked up at her, and Tamora nodded her head, and continued. "I am going to put you to sleep..." as she spoke the words, the girl's eyes became wide with fear; Tamora continued to speak gently, knowing what she was doing. "If you are asleep then you shall not feel any more pain, and when you wake, you will feel better, I give you my word!" As she watched, the girls head moved slightly, and Tamora took that as consent. If I can get her to sleep, then at least I can move her without causing her more pain, she thought as she weaved Spirit and laid it upon the girls head. She watched as the girl closed her eyes, and her breathing became less laboured. Taking a deep breath, Tamora began to cast a healing weave on the girl's kidney as everything started to go dark.

The Green Weave

Something flew past Tamora's head in the dark. Blood and Ashes, what was that? Tamora's head moved about in the dark as she could hear the sound of other things moving past her body. She could feel the cool breeze they left on her skin as she past close by, from all angles. Tamora thought to keep her composure as she stood there in the dark unsure of what was happening around her. Maybe something has gone wrong; maybe I have made a mistake..., the thought trailed off as she felt the urge to move forward, despite the fear she felt about being hit with something.

As she walked slowly forward, the intensity of the objects around her seemed to intensify. She knew whatever it was; they were but millimetres from her skin. As she thought about how scared she was, she was suddenly enveloped in a green glow. The Green Step, my personal challenge! She wanted to be a Sister of the Green Ajah, and she knew she wanted to do her best at this Step. But with the green glow came the realisation of what as being thrown at her. It was all manner of weapons, daggers, throwing knives, arrows, throwing axes. There were being thrown at her, and seemed to be just missing.

As fear grabbed her heart, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a deep green glow, floating about eye level off to her right. It as a number, Thirteen! Tamora opened herself up to Saidar and when the warmth sped through her she began to channel. Weaving strands of Air, Earth and Fire, she made them into thirteen separate orbs. Once the orbs were done, Tamora touched each one with Spirit and smiled as the Orbs began to float giving off a forest green light. The weave was a pretty one, but it had no real significance. As she tied off the weave, Tamora frowned. I hope I did the right one, as I do not see the point of this weave here! As the thought left her mind, Tamora had to shield her eyes from the bright white light.

The Green Step

"They are coming, they are coming!"

The boys cry rang out clear and loud for everyone to hear. Tamora nodded to herself and to Hain at her side. Her Warder only smiled as he drew his greatsword from its sheath. I am glad I picked a boy with such a loud mouth, she thought as she smoothed down her green divided skirts, and checking her daggers were sitting at her waist. The twin daggers had been a gift from Hain on the tenth anniversary of their Bonding, they were perfectly balanced, and she knew how to use them if she needed too. Tamora looked up to the man who had sworn to protect her, he gestured for her to follow him out of the small house.

In the village square of Hawks Rest, people were running around in near panic. They knew what was coming towards them, and did not think they could triumph. But Tamora knew better. She had more than one trick up her sleeve. And after they defeat the Trolloc fist that journey towards them, Tamora knew that the village will hold with selves with a new pride. As did three dozen villages she had visited now.

"Tamora Sedai, all is ready and awaiting your commands!" The man before her, the village mayor, was letting the fear show in both his voice and his stance. Tamora shook her head at him, and moved closer so only the mayor and Hain could hear her. "Commel, we have spoken about this. The people here look up to you, you must hide what you feel and show them the courage they must themselves feel. You have me and Hain here, and you all know what to do. The Light will shine on us!" Tamora knew her voice had taken on the typical Aes Sedai tone, which meant she would brook no nonsense from the man before her. The mayor stood up and little straighter, and quickly moved away.

Tamora turned and faced Hain, her Warder and finest friend. He knew what she was about to say, as she had said it before every battle they had encountered. "Hain, my Tairan friend, I know you have watched my life as I have watched yours. If we are separated this day, I know we shall honour each other in both life and death. If we are separated, I shall see you when we are both once again turned out in the Pattern!" As she finished speaking, she touched her heart with her left hand and his cheat with her right. Hain just smiled.

Word still drawn, and lowered his head. "It's been my privilege Aes Sedai!" His voice was sombre, but the smile on his lips told her he did not intent them to be separated. The tall Tairen lifted his green eyes once more, and winked at her before heading off to his intended location. Glancing down at her gold serpent ring, Tamora smiled and headed off to the high wall, her designated battle point.

Once on the wall, Tamora looked out to the West, where she could see the oncoming Fist of Trolloc's. They did not know she w as here, and she would show them what real fear was. They were about half a mile off, so Tamora opened herself up to Saidar, and let the joy and warmth fill her, and then looked with a sharper focus. A fist, and from the banners they carried, they were of the Dha'vol tribe. Tamora had dealt with their raiding parties before; she knew some of their tactics, and she knew what they liked and disliked. Tamora began to weave; it was a simple weave, and one that let her voice carry all over the village.

"Our enemy comes! We shall show them fear as we will burn their bodies before nightfall! For Victory! For Hawks Rest! For the Light!" As she stopped talking, she began to channel again, knowing that Hain was readying the archers and was directing them on when to fire. Grasping strands of Earth and Fire, Tamora began the complex weave that would rend the earth from below the shadowspawn's feet. Once the weave was complete, Tamora sent it forward to meet the Fist square on. As she watched the weave rend the ground, the world began to go dark.

The Blue Weave

In the darkness before her Tamora could hear the creaking of mental. It sounded like a chain, pulled tight, and not oiled enough. Tamora moved through the darkness towards the noise. What shall I find this time? Tamora wondered as she moved onward. The noise continued on, getting louder as she moved. It was beginning to make her feel more and more on edge that noise, mental against metal. I hope I am worthy to pass this test, Tamora thought as something ahead of her caught her attention.

There, before her, was a blue glow. She knew it would hold something, but from this distance she was unsure what. Seeing her objective, Tamora moved a little faster towards it. There on a black plinth stood a female statue. It was made of white marble, and it was clothed in a robe, one from another Age. In the statue's left hand she held a blue flame, the symbol of the Blue Ajah and in her left, was a golden scale. As Tamora moved closer, she could see the scale was in perfect balance, despite the fact both sides held weights. On the left, the weights were made from silver, and on the right, they were made from obsidian.

Confused, Tamora stood there looking around, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do. She could see no number anywhere. She walked around the statue on the plinth, but still she could see nothing. Nothing? Maybe I have done something wrong? Can the test hold me forever, like the Accepted one? All the thoughts ran through her head when something suddenly caught her eye. The eights on the left scale all added up to eight. Quickly looking to the right scale, she could see that those weights added up to eight also. Tamora bit down on her lip as she tried to figure out what number was expected from her. Was it eighty-eight or eight plus eight to make sixteen?

Opening herself to Saidar, Tamora made her choice quickly. She decided to go with weave number eighty-eight. She did not know if she was wrong, but she would soon find out. Taking hold of Spirit, Tamora began to weave the complex pattern which makes a Shield. As she nearly finished, she decided to place the weave over the statue of the woman, for lack of a better target. I hope I did the right one! As she tied the weave off, there was a blinding white light that appeared all around her.

The Blue Step

The music was joyous and the wine was flowing, and Tamora sat and watched the crowd before her enjoy both. It was a fine summer evening, a perfect night to celebrate a wedding. One of the serving women of the Tower, Selene, was marrying her childhood love, Brane. She had been Tamora's serving woman since she had become an Aes Sedai, and they had become fast friends. When Selene had come and invited Tamora to her Wedding, she had been touched more than she could have told. She had agreed, and travelled with Selene to her home village in Andor. Once there, she had unveiled her wedding gift as a prosperous farm, with ample stock and a lovely farmhouse, rebuilt and repaired. Selene had tried not to accept, insisting she wanted to return to Tar Valon to work for Tamora, but she had refused, and told Brane that he had to keep his wife here. He had agreed happily.

Tamora sat and watched as the happy couple danced and danced, with their friends and family dancing around them. Tamora had already taken a turn or two around the dance floor, though not many men were eager tp dance with an Aes Sedai. As Tamora stared out at the dying sun, she realised that the music had stopped and everyone was staring to the left of the dance area. Glancing over, Tamora saw a young man there, well dressed and flanked by two men, also well dressed but not as well as the man in the lead. Tamora guessed his age to be about twenty-five summers, and she did not like the look on his face or the arrogant swagger to his body. Tamora feared what was about to happen.

"Now why was I not invited to the Party?" His voice was loud and clear against the quiet as everyone there stood and watched him. From her seat, she watched as Brane's father made his way forward towards the man who had spoken. "Lord Ahemil, we are only celebrating my son's wedding to his wife. If we had thought you would have wanted to come...." The words trailed off as Lord Ahemil walked past him, almost dismissing his in turn. Tamora knew who Ahemil was, Selene had spoken of him. He had just become Lord of this part of Andor as his father had died of old age. Selene had spoken of him being a spoiled child when he was younger, and feared what he may do to a wealthy community.

"Well, a Wedding, and where is the Bride?" Tamora really did not like the edge to his voice, and continued to watch him closely, as Selene, along with Brane at her side. The look in Ahemil's eyes turned dark, and Tamora found herself rising to her feet. "Well, what a pretty thing! I shall have much fun tonight with her for you!" His words were directed to Barne but his eyes never left Selene. "As Lord here, you surely won't mind, especially as I feel a need to raise some taxes!" Ahemil's voice had taken on a dangerous edge, almost challenging Barne to object. She could see the tension in Barnes shoulders deepen, and he stepped forward. Knowing now was the perfect time to step in, Tamora continued to move forward.

"Now, now, Ahemil, do not act like such a child before those who live and work on your lands!" She knew her voice held an edge and one far more dangerous than the pup before her. His eyes flashed anger as he turned his head to look at her. She could tell he was about to speak before his brain kicked in. "Which Wench dares address me such....." His voice stopped in his throat as she approached. She knew that she did not yet have the ageless face of the Aes Sedai, but her composure and bearing were enough to stay his tongue.

Tamora walked right up to him, and stood not 4 feet away. She had already embraced Saidar, and had wrapped herself up in small illusion weave, one that made her slightly taller and made her voice carry."Did you just dare call me a Wench? I have not been called so since I was a teenager, and when some Tairen pirates tried to kill me! " Tamora's hand wanted to go to her neck, where the scar still sat, but she kept her hands down at her sides. "You, child, may address me as Tamora el'Galina Sedai! And I really do not see you doing this injustice today, do you? Not to such good friends of mine?" Her voice held a steely edge, once perfected over the years, as she seemed to look down on the young Lord, and with her right hand, she gestured towards Selene and Barne.

"Aes did not know!" His voice had gone weak, and his face flushed the same red as his jacket. "I shall be leaving, Aes Sedai, forgive me...." His voice trailed off as she spoke, backing up, back towards his friends. "Congratulations to the happy couple." He added quickly from over his shoulder as he made his way out of the village. Embracing Saidar, Tamora channelled a simple weave, one which would make her voice loud and carry. "Ahemil, if I were you, I would prefer for a journey. I am sure the Queen will be summoning you soon, after I have a quiet word in her ear!" A smile spread over Tamora's lips as the world around her went dark.

The Indigo Weave

Tamora felt her feet moving her forward, but she was in total darkness. She felt pangs of fear, but continued to move herself forward, as she knew she must. I am not sure why I must, but I know I have too. As she continued to move, she saw something ahead of her beginning to glow.

Ahead was a pedestal which was being lit by a purple light. The Indigo stair that is what I am doing! As she continued to move forward, she could see a long silver rod sitting on the pedestal, being propped up by a wooden stand. Looking around, Tamora could not see where the purple light was coming from, but at that moment, she did not care. Resisting her initial reaction, Tamora did not embrace Saidar. This is the Indigo Stair, and likely, the rod is a ter'angreal of some kind. Until I know what it does, I do not want to touch it with Saidar! The thought ran through her head quickly, and finally, Tamora reached out her hand.

The rod was cool to the touch, like it was made from metal, and lighter than she expected it to be. Once it was in her hands, Tamora raised it to her eye level, for a closer look. Turning it one way, and then the next, she wanted to look at every inch of it. As she looked over the bottom end, she noticed something was engraved there. Lifting it closer to her eyes, she could see two tiny numbers there, a one and a nine, nineteen. Smiling to herself that she followed her instincts, Tamora placed the rod back on the stand, stepped away from the pedestal and embraced Saidar. She knew she could do Weave number nineteen, and how it should look.

Weaving strands of Fire, Water and Spirit, a purple haze began to appear before her, with little orbs of pink floating in it. Tamora smiled again, but did not get a chance to admire the pretty sight before her as she was surrounded by a brilliant white light.

The Indigo Stair

Tamora sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at the child that lay there. Amira was only seven summers old, and yet she seemed to be at the edge of life. It was strange and unexpected, a wasting sickness that had suddenly come on overnight three days before.

Tamora had been staying in an Inn, The Velvet Petal, on the Tar Valon road. On the evening she had arrived, a messenger had turned up, asking her to visit the Manner House down the road to call on Lady Bernedetta and her daughter Amira. The young Lady had been taken ill and they had sent to Tar Valon for help, but as she was closer, would she mind calling in on her. Tamora, of course had agreed.

Amira's condition had been much the same as it was now. She was pale and seemed to fight for breath while lacking any energy to do even the simplest of tasks. Tamora had tried to Delve to find out what was causing her illness, but she had found no cause, just that it seemed the little girl's life was slowly being drawn away. Puzzled and worried, Tamora had sat by her bed since she had arrived, refusing to leave until she found the cause and healed the child.

Tamora had spent the last two days asking most of the household what the child had been doing before she became ill. All the servants seem to agree she was doing nothing unusual. She had been playing in the house, running from room to room, laughing and playing with the servants as she went. It seemed to be a normal day until late in the afternoon, Lady Bernedetta's handmaiden had found the child lying in an upstairs hall unconscious. It also seemed that the child had not changed her diet or worn anything unusual.

As Tamora sat there, watching Amira, she noticed something around the girl's neck, a think dark chain. Leaning over the child, Tamora gently reached down, and lift up the chain, which also contained a pendant, which had been sitting under the girl's shift. Frowning, Tamora lift it higher into the light of the candle by the bed. The chain was a black metal that Tamora was unsure of, and the base of the pendant was made of the same. The pendant held a red gem, which was a darker red than a ruby, almost blood red. Tamora continued to look at the chain, before glancing down at Amira.

To her amazement, the child was looking up at her. She was still pale, but there was a slight pinkness to her cheeks that was not there moments before. Turning to look at the sleeping form of her mother, Tamora called to wake her. "Bernedetta, wake up and come here!" Tamora knew her voice held an edge, but at that moment, she did not care who she offended. The Lady, who started awake, almost ran to Tamora's side and looked down, her face showing she was expecting to see the worst. Tamora waved the pendant under her nose. "What is this, and where did she get it?"

It took a moment for the Lady's eyes to adjust before she stammered something about never seeing it before. While the woman next to her spoke, Tamora looked back down to Amira. Her eyes were still open, and she just looked up at the Aes Sedai helplessly. Deciding to act on a hunch, Tamora lift the child's head with one hand, and carefully slipped the chain from her neck. As soon as the chain was no longer touching the child, and fully in her own hands, a wave of dizziness swept over her. Putting her hand out, she steadied herself on her previously used chair. "A box....a pouch....get me put this cursed thing in..." Tamora knew she sounded off, her voice strangely weak, but she did not care, knowing that the child was now safe, and in her hand was a dangerous ter'angreal indeed. As she watched Bernedetta run to do her bidding, the room around her began to go dark.

The Brown Weave

Tamora stared at the book before, amazed by hold old it looked. I bet it could be from the Age of Legends itself, she thought, as she looked at the book, not wanting to touch it. It was a large heavy tome, and the dark leather that it was bond in was beginning to crack around the edges. Taking a deep breath, Tamora opened it.

As she began to turn the pages, staring at a language she did not understand, the parchment began to crumble and break into dust before her eyes. Tamora began to panic, still trying to scan the pages for some clue as to what weave she should be using. As panic began to seize hold of her heart, she started forward as the dust from the crumbled pages seemed to float up into the air.

Oh no....oh no... As she was about to let the tears fall from her eyes, Tamora noticed something in the air. The dust seemed to be making a shape before her, a number. A Three and a Zero. Thirty! The weave number thirty. Smiling in relief, with tears running down her cheeks Tamora embraced Saidar and began to weave. It was a complicated weave, which evolved twisting equal parts of Spirit, Earth and Fire, while wrapping it all in Air. Tamora knew the outcome would produce a loud snap when done correctly, but yet, it was a useless weave. Tamora held her breath as she tied off the Weave, and wait to hear the sound. One heartbeat, two heartbeats, three heartbeats, and Snap! Tamora smiled as the room began to get too bright to see.

The Brown Stair

"Please, Aes Sedai, let me offer you a nice tea, to warm your bones!" Tamora smiled back to the old woman before her, a warm tea was exactly what she wanted right about now, that and a dry shelter from the rain. Nodding her head in consent, Tamora followed the old woman before her to her small house. It was a single story cottage, with a thatched roof, and strong shutters over the windows, much like the rest of the homes in Kracken's Bay, the small fishing village.

Tamora was tired, she had travelled here by horse, as for some the weave to get here would not take. She had received word that there were a group of bandits in the area hassling Traders, and as the village depended on the through traffic, they needed it sorted out, and the Kings men were not too keen to help. Tamora had agreed as she really did not like Pirates and Bandits. The problems had been sorted quite quickly, and the group of eight men was now in custody waiting the Kings Justice. Tamora had been soaked during the investigation, and Old Mother Broom was taking pity on her.

Tamora, once inside the warm, dry cottage, took off her cloak, and hung it near the fire. She sat, at Mother Brooms insistence, as the old woman fussed around her cutting her lumps of fruit cake and pouring her mint tea. Tamora accepted both gratefully, and watched as the old woman before her sat down on the other side of the table, sipping from her own mug.

As her eyes took in the small kitchen, something caught her attention in the corner. It was large dark red leather bound book, sitting in the corner, propping up the corner of a shelf. It had gold design and the leather was a deep red, and looked like it had been bound only yesterday. Tamora must have been staring at it, as Mother Brooms voice made her jump. "It's an old family heir loom. None of us could read it, but its been passed from one member of the family to another. Would you like to take a look?" Tamora nodded, a mouth full of cake, and atched as the woman walked around the kitchen to retrieve it.

Tamora just stared at it as the woman placed it in her hands. There was gold lettering on the front, but it was no language that Tamora knew, but there was an age to the book that intrigued Tamora. She knew it was old, possibly as old as the Breaking, and she knew a Brown Sister would give anything to get hold of it. "Could I buy this from you? I mean, its priceless, but I know some Brown Aes Sedai who would give anything to see this, let a long touch it!" Tamora almost held her breath as she waited for the woman's answer.

"Please, after all you have done for us, take it, with my love, as you have helped my Village, which as been like a child to me!" she pushed the book more into Tamora's hands, and smiled down at her. Tamora smiled back, knowing the woman did not know what she was giving away. Reaching down to her belt pouch, she reached in and drew out a mole skin purse. "Then, dear Mother, please accept this money, to be used to help your child, the village in times to come! I insist, and will not take no for an answer!" Tamora did not use her Aes Sedai voice she knew it would get here now where, but she knew the woman would accept the money if she could use it to help those she loved. Mother Broom smiled and accepted the purse finally, tucking it away in her apron. Tamora knew that she could receive more from Saffrina, a good friend of hers from the Brown Ajah. As she began to wrap the book up in her shawl, the world began to go dark.

The Grey Weave

Tamora stood before the table that held the parchment before her. It was large, and written in old script, but Tamora could just about make it out. It was a Peace Agreement between Mayene and Tear, where Mayene was given over to its own power, and Tear agreed not to invade. Tamora could only stare down at in, in the silvery grey light that surrounded her. It was truly amazing to see this parchment; it meant so much to her national pride.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to remind herself that she was not here for fun, or national pride, it was the test, her test! Blinking her eyes, Tamora tried to focus her eyes on the small script as she looked for some clue as to what she was supposed to do. There was so much to read, and she wondered if she had the time to read it all. Tamora began to scan read and hoped something would jump out from the black ink.

As she began to reread the top section, there was one number that seemed to jump out at her. It was the location of where the treaty was signed. It was held Seven miles outside of Illian, on a wealthy Lords land. The word Seven was written in a silvery ink, and seemed to in a different hand to the rest of the text. Weave Seven. Taking in a deep breath, Tamora embraced Saidar, and began to weave. It was similar to the Ward of Keeping for food, but it was changed slightly for parchment and books. It was a thick net of Spirit, which was wound tightly over the parchment. As Tamora tied off the weave, she closed her eyes to the bright light that surrounded her.

The Grey Stair

"Lady Tamora Sedai, may I get you another drink?" The Lady Shimla smiled at her, and motioned for a servant to move forward at her gesture. Tamora could not help but suppress a smile coming to her lips. It made her want to laugh that Shimla's idea of getting her a drink was to make a servant do it for her. Tamora let a similar smile to Shimla' crawl across her lips, though she was unused to acting that fake.. "No, thanks you Shimla, I am fine right now!" Tamora knew her lack of using the woman's title would get to her, but at the moment she did not care. She was still bristling at being called her for such a silly reason.

Tamora had been called in to aid her closest friend, and Grey Sister, Seleene. She was having difficulty arranging a wedding between a Tairen Lords son, and an Andorian Lords daughter. Neither set of parents were being very cooperative with the other by all accounts, it was taking its toll on their children. Seleene was one of the best negotiators that the Grey Tower had ever known, but even she was stumped on how to end this well, and with the Wedding the son and daughter wanted.

In her time in the Camp, Tamora had come to learn two things; Lady Shimla Tamerain liked to dominate her Husband, and also liked pretty and expensive things. On the other hand, Lord Arthur Dogmar liked to be seen as if he was in charge, and to stand out against his fellow Tairen Lords. And Tamora believed she had found a way to link the families together. Standing, Tamora ignored the gasp from Shimla, and made her way to the tent where Seleene was resting.

"Seleene, I may have found a way to bring the families together. Sit and I shall explain!" Tamora smiled as she spoke, seeing a glimmer of hope in her Sisters eyes. Once both were seated, Tamora cleared her throat. "Shimla likes expensive things, and she controls her Husband. Maybe you could remind her that Arthur has good trading agreement s with the Sea Folk, and with the wedding of her son to his daughter, a discount will obviously be available to her as 'family'!" Tamora smiled as she watched a spark ignite in Seleenes eyes.

"And Arthur likes to be seen as a powerful man. Maybe he needs reminding that Shimla's family stand fifth in line to the throne of Andor. I think he will like to brag that his daughter is that close to Andorian royalty." Tamora sat back in her chair, and watched her sisters eyes twinkled and she imagined she could almost hear her thoughts whirling! As she smiled back, the world around her began to go dark.

The White Weave

Tamora stood and watched as the floor before her seemed to vanish. Her toes seemed to hang off the edge of the White tile she was standing on. Fear gripped her heart as she looked down before her and saw nothing. Her heart caught in her throat, and she began to feel her breath coming in short sharp bursts. What can I do? The thought passed through her head quickly, and it made her heart pound faster.

This must be an illusion, it would be illogical for the floor to fall away! The thought flashed through her head, and she looked back at the gaping nothing that was before her. She wondered what would happen if she moved forward or back, but that did not seem like a logical thing to do. Logic seemed to tell her that the floor was still there, and she should go forward with faith in her choice. Taking a deep breath, and whispering a quick prayer to the Creator, she closed her eyes, put out her left foot, and stepped forward.

Solid ground met her foot, and she nearly stumbled. Letting out her breath, and laughing aloud, she hurried forward until she could see the shining Number in a White light. One, the perfect number, a logical number. Smiling, Tamora began to embrace Saidar, and weave her final weave. It was strands of Fire and Earth, mixed with a small part of Air to hold it all together. It was a weave that again had no point, other than to impress Novices and Children as Tamora made seven different colour's orbs, one for each Ajah, dance in the air before her. Before she could tie off the weave, a bright light filled her vision.

The White Stair

Tamora sat across from the man before her. He was restrained and yet he seemed to fight the bonds that held him in place. Tamora looked into his eyes, and felt a pang for grief as they seemed empty. She had been told this was so, but she did not want to believe it. She had hoped that's she would find her old friend sitting here, someone she could reason with, but it was not to be. Zakin was as empty as she had feared. His White Aes Sedai and wife, Belinda, had been killed the day before, and how Zakin wanted to take his own life.

"It is not our decision to make, Tamora! He knows his mind in this, and it is what he wishes. It is not logical for us to stop him; it is our emotions that will it." Melinda, Belinda's twin sister looked down at Tamora from her vantage point across the room. Melinda always seems to be looking down at people, Aes Sedai or not, it was one of the things that had made her different to her Sister. Both had been of the White Ajah, but they had had very different ways of looking at Logic.

Tamora returned Melinda's stare, then turned her attention back to the man before her. Belinda had died when her horse had thrown her on a ride, and Zakin had not been with her. The first anyone had known of what had happened was when Zakin had charged off like a mad man, and returned some hours later carrying Belinda's body. After sitting with his wife's body all night, Zakin had announced he was heading into the Blight to find his end, fighting Shadwospawn, and dying in a way that befitted his wife. There had been a struggle to stop him riding off, and now, he was tied to a chair, while Tamora and Melinda talked about what was right for him.

"It's not Logic to let him die, Mel! It's us turning our back on him, when he needs us! He could Bond again, find another purpose to live for." Tamora knew her words were going to fall on deaf ears. She certainly was not going to suggest Melinda Bond him again. The look she had received for that comment would have been enough to freeze balefire. She knew she could not win this argument of Logic, not with a White, and a Whites Warder so set on death.

"If it is his Logic, then I cannot argue it! There is little we can do to stop him, other than keep him tied to a chair indefinitely. You may release him, and wish him well, for I will not, not too his death!" As Tamora stood to walk away the world went dark around her.