Fanfic:Norin's Great Stair

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Norin's Great Stair
  • Connor
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Yellow Ajah Weave


That's all Norin saw as he doubled over coughing, I need to do the weave, Norin thought. Suppressing his wracking coughs, Norin stood. He began the weave slowly, it was complex, like all the hundred weaves, but it only used Fire, Water and Air.

The urge to cough burned at the back of his throat, threatening to break his calm any moment and double him over choking. Norin powered through the pain as he finished off the weave, seeing the finished weave before him he saw the intense complexity of it and was surprised that he had been able to do it.

Yellow Ajah Step

Norin glanced left and saw the his fellow Asha'man fall. "Blood and Ashes" the man exclaimed. Norin walked over to him and knelt beside him. Norin was calm, his ability in Healing was small but he could handle this. "I need you to take a deep breath, and brace for some pain, you'll be ready to fight again in no time" Norin said. With a razor thin weave of Air he sliced off the back of the arrow. With a quick exact motion he pulled the arrow from the wound. The man gasped slightly but said nothing else.

"Just a little bit longer, almost done Brother." Norin examined the wound carefully, it wasn't to bad, but it needed healing. Norin knew he should use Five Power Healing, it would be harder, but if he used traditional Healing this man may not be able to fight. He prepared the weave, a lattice of all five powers, and laid on the mans wound. The flesh knitted back together, which always astounded Norin, it w as if the arrow Norin held had never existed. I can't believe it actually worked. I did It I accomplished Five Power Healing! Norin was glad but there were more pressing issues at hand. He gave the man's shoulder on more check and stood back up. Offering a hand he looked down and the Asha'man. "Hear, get up, We have a battle to win, the Trollocs must die." Norin helped the man to his feat and went back to fighting.

Green Ajah Weave

Norin's eyes bulged as a variety of projectiles passed inches from him. He did his best to dodge them but the sliced his skin causing shots of pain to go through his body


Norin saw the number and started weaving unconsciously, using Water, Earth and Spirit. Norin continued to move around the projectiles but he wasn't quick enough, his skin was one mass of raw pain. Norin wanted to break, to scream in anguish but he pushed down the pain. He continued the ornate weave as a knife stuck directly in his leg. Norin shook, but kept his calm and finished the weave.

Green Ajah Step

Lord Nathan was a most agreeable host, having given Norin some of his finest wine as a gift. Norin had been negotiating some of the items Lord Nathan provided to the Grey Tower when he saw them crest over the hill to the South.


Norin interrupted Lord Nathan saying "Look, upon the hill." "Blood and Ashes" Nathan exclaimed. Norin looked into the seething mass, observing it. "I'd say it's about one fist, driven by two or three Myrdraal" Norin said. Nathan seemed afraid, and with good reason. "Prepare the guards to fight" Norin said. "Your should lead them" Nathan stated, his voice trembling, "An Asha'man must know how to handle this kind of thing."

Next thing he knew, Norin was outside the manor, standing in front of about 80 men. "Take on the Trollocs in groups, and stay away from the Myrdraal, I'll handle them." Norin looked back into the eyes of the scared men, "Don't worry men, we will survive this, I will ensure it." The line of Trollocs charged, as did Norin's men, but instead of clashing together, Norin's men stayed back and baited the Trollocs. Norin charged a Myrddraal, blasting him with Fire and parrying the thrusts of its black blade. Norin's ashendarei struck fast as lightning and beheaded the vile creature. Norin set it ablaze and was lost in the heat of battle

Norin channeled Earth and crushed the last Myrdraal. The Trollocs lay dead and his men were wounded, but surprisingly no casualties. "You live to fight another day men, return to the manor."

Blue Ajah Weave

Norin began to balance the scales on the statue, a difficult task. The blocks were heavy and no matter how hard he tried he could not get it to budge. He continued working, piling blocks on to one side of the scale. He looked up and saw that it seemed as if almost no weight had been added, but Norin trudged on. His body ached from the effort. Finally the scales shifted, ever so slowly to their rightful position and Norin was shown his number


Norin knew this weave very well. He wove it without any difficulty and move onward.

Blue Ajah Step

Norin sat in the tavern drinking his ale slowly. He was relaxing from travel and thought what better place than a tavern. He listened to the music a few men were playing in the corner. The serving girl came over and refilled his drink. Norin gave a thankful nod as she turned away. Norin watched her as she walked, shes pretty, he thought, but not like my Eliza.

The woman reached the bar when the owner approached her. He seemed angry and was yelling at the girl. It continued for another minute when the owner slapped the girl hard. Norin shot from his seat, channeling Air in walls to keep the vermin from fleeing, his anger flared and then froze in the Void. He reached the owner and pushed him against the wall. "No man should strike a lady, especially a disgusting worm like yourself" Norin said in a Illusion enhance voice. "Now apologize for your indecency, or so help me you will regret it." The man seemed apprehensive still. Norin began to speak again "Do you fear the Dark One?" the man nodded nervously "Then fear me for his wrath is nothing compared to mine." The man finally apologized. Norin turned to the girl and said "I'm sorry for him and for my enraged reaction, I simply cannot bear to see a woman treated as such." Norin turned away and began to walk out. He grabbed his ashendarei and turned around. He nodded to the girl and glared at the man. Norin walked out of the tavern.

Indigo Ajah Weave

Norin eyes hurt from the blinding light that revealed his number


Norin noticed that the torches were dripping hot slag. It was slowly running towards his feet. Norin began the weave, Using Spirit, Fire and Earth. The weave was complex and Norin was feeling the stress. He pushed himself onward and continued the weave. Norin could feel the heat from the slag as it drew ever closer to his feet. Norin was the picture of calm on the outside, but frantic on the inside, he was running out of time. Just as the slag brushed his feet he finished the weave.

Indigo Ajah Step

Norin boarded the Sea Folk ship and waited for cast off, which happened moments later. As they left harbor Norin noticed a woman standing behind the sail. Norin watched as she stood motionless. Ever so slowly Norin began to notice changes. Above the sky went from the terrible look of a storm raising, to a grayish look like the calm after a storm, and then finally to perfect blue skies, as if there had never been any cloud in the sky. Norin was befuddled, weather did not change that drastically that fast. Again Norin noticed something strange. The sail was straining, as if a great wind was pushing it , moving the boat at an alarming rate, but Norin felt no such wind, not even a breeze. What could this be.

It hit Norin out of nowhere, A Windfinder, he thought. He had heard many stories about their skill with Air. Norin had to talk to her. Norin approached the woman and said "That Cloud Dancing was amazing, did you learn how to do that or is that natural, at that magnitude I'd guess natural born." The woman began to talk and Norin listened . . .

Norin sat in his cabin thinking about what the woman had told him. Her ability was taught, and and Windfinder that could channel was taught the same. That is just amazing, Norin thought. He idly channeled Air and Water around him in the cabin. I wonder how they do so much with Cloud Dancing

Brown Ajah Weave

Norin turned another page and kept looking, dust clouding his vision. He loved books and hated to see these pages crumble. He wanted to cry from the dust filling his eyes and he was coughing and weezing on the dust also. He pressed on threw the tome, seeing its strange language pass meaninglessly before his eyes. Finally, his throat and eyes burning he found it


Norin barely knew this weave but he kept going, Using all Five Powers. He wove more of the weave as he coughed and teared up from the dust. finally he completed the weave.

Brown Ajah Step

Norin had searched every nook and cranny of the Library and found nothing. He had gotten friends to help him search but that too had been fruitless. He went to one of the Browns that ran the Library and asked for help. "Excuse me Asha'man I don't mean to disturb you but I've been looking for a text and I can't seem to find it, Ive searched for hours but to no avail, could you please help me . The Asha'man stood up and asked about the book. "What was this book about Dedicated." He said.

Norin stated clearly "It's about the history of the Tower sir, I simply wanted it for pleasure reading but I can't seem to find it anywhere, now that Ive asked you I'll probably find it in seconds." The Asha'man moved through the aisles easily, seeming at home among the shelves. Norin too felt comfortable in the library, it was no wonder why he spent so much time here "Ive always felt safe here" The Asha'man said. "I know what you mean" Norin said. The Asha'man turned "Is it possible that somebody else has this book out at the moment." Norin suddenly felt very stupid, and apologized to the Asha'man. He was kind to Norin and told him it was not a problem but Norin left quickly, book in hand. The Asha'man told him to ask before he looked next time. How could I be so wool headed, Norin thought as he left the library and went back to his room.

Grey Ajah Weave

Norin searche through the treaty quickly trying to find the number. The treaty was nothing special, as simple agreement of peace, but it seemed like something more was there. he read the treaty, taking in its meaning, its depth. Thes Nations had been at war a long time and now finally had peace. Norin understood the treaty and not saw a number hidden in the letters.


Norin began the weave. peace can be made, Norin thought. he finishe the weave and moved on.

Grey Ajah Step

Norin needed to get on this Sea Folk ship. He needed to get to Tear very quickly. The Sea Folk were jumpy around channelers so Norin needed to talk to the Sailsmistress....

Norin was talking to the Sailsmistress about getting passage. "I do not like your kind Norin Maddix" she said blatantly. Norin could understand, for the Sea Folk did not want to have their Windfinders taken away. Norin spoke "I swear that my passage will be swift, and you will be reimbursed in any way you choose." She seemed apprehensive still and she did not speak. "I still am not sure, I cannot tell you why I worry but you must understand nonetheless, it is a risk I'm not sure I can take." Norin had an idea why she might not want him on her ship. He spoke again " I give my word as an Asha'man to not channel unless we are threatened and I will stay below deck and out of sight, I will cause no trouble I swear, whatever I must do to be granted passage upon this vessel I will do it ." She stared at him a long time, sizing him up it seemed, she spoke "We will give you passage, and you may come above deck, but break your other promises and there will be consequences Norin Maddix." Norin stood "Your generosity is much appreciated Sailsmistress" Norin bowed respectfully, and left the room and exited the ship to retrieve his things for the trip ahead.

White Ajah Weave

Norin's foot stuck to the ground, be pulled it out with great effort and stood on the White segment. Moving from piece to piece he gets closer to the number. Norin's foot catches and he falls into the black, where he sticks in place. Norin pulls on the substance but it pulls harder, holding him fast. Norin wrenches as hard as he can and pulls himself free. he reaches the number and is relieved


Norin knows this one excruciatingly well and does it in a heartbeat.

White Ajah Step

Norin listens as the White Brother explains his conflict. He is logically thinking and has come to the conclusion it would be more logical to join the Shadow. Norin talks in a calm, caring voice "I understand your thought pattern, for I have done it before, You have to temper logic with emotion and common sense. I have often wondered what the point of fighting for such a hard cause is, but it is worth it." The man seems unsure still and Norin is not trying to convince him of either side. "You must think with more than logic, logic is one braid in a rope, you need them all to make a good rope. Ultimately you must decide what you will do."

The White looked at him and said "Thank you Norin, your words have been very insightful, but still I must think." Norin grabbed him by the shoulder and told him something "Ishamael used logic to decide whether to turn to the Shadow, remember, logic is just a thread in a tapestry, temper it with emotion and common sense, only then will you come to a true decision, but answer me this, are you prepared to kill and hurt in the name of The Dark One, to destroy those you once fought beside. If you can answer yourself yes, with all Honesty than you can think about this choice, but until that day, continue fighting on in the name of the Light, and help to save the world

The Three Oaths

You kneel in front of the M'Hael. Although his face does not move, you get the impression that he is smiling gently. You notice upon the cushion the Keeper carries rests the Oath Rod. The M'Hael reaches out and picks the Oath Rod up from the cushion. The smooth ivory white cylinder appears to be only a foot long and as think as the Amyrlin's wrist. You remember from your training that the Oath Rod is a ter'angreal that will bind you to the Oaths, and thus to the Tower and the Flame and the Fang.

You promptly raise your hands in front of you, palms upward. And the M'Hael places the Rod there. The glow of saidin surrounds him, and he touches the Oath Rod with a thin flow of Spirit. You close your hands around the Rod, it feels like glass, except somehow smoother.

"Under the Light, by my hope of salvation and rebirth I swear to speak no word that is untrue."

"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow to make no weapon with which one man may kill another."

"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I vow never to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, in the last defence of my own life, that of my Warder, or that of another Brother or Sister of the Grey Tower."