Fanfic:New sheets for new knowledge

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New sheets for new knowledge
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Beron combed through the book in front of him, his hand stiff from scratching out notes and copying the notations he found in the margins. Pausing to rub the bridge of his nose, he bit off a groan at the fatigue in his eyes.

I have no idea how the bloody Browns do this, living in the dim stacks like moles hunting words down, he thought sourly as he wished he hadn’t asked the librarian for advice on medicinal plants. He much preferred wandering the forest or fens for the plants themselves. Still, as he waited for the ink to dry and the blotches to soak, he had to admit he had learned many things from the field guide.

His notes were dismal, the long hours of class work not yet having improved his quill skills. He wondered briefly if he shouldn’t have asked Owen for help with the notations, but figured this was dry enough reading for one.

Going over his notes, he reviewed the various ways herbs, mushrooms and other beneficial roots could be prepared. Teas, poultices, ingestion, crushed for their juices or oils; all of these had instances where they would benefit or harm. It seemed like a lifetime of work to sort through, which is probably why Wisdoms start younger than you did. Beron had asked Aruin Sedai for help with his studies, and he wanted to be as ready as he could be. With this in mind he returned to his notes, bending over the scattered books and papers that littered the table. Working through the evening, Beron paused only when the bells chimed the call to bed for all learning ranks.

The morning found Beron standing amongst the drying herbs and other plants that hung from the rafters of the workshop. Strong scents wafted throughout the building, an overwhelming array of sod, fresh florals and the aromatics of the bundles Beron had to duck under as he made his way towards the work counter.

“Thank you for making the time to see me Aruin Sedai, I know you must be busy,” Beron said to the woman who was busy tending a small grindstone.

“Oh none of that child. There is always time to help with such things, and trained hands make for less work for all,” Aruin Sedai spoke kindly, her head never looking up from the task at hand. Beron could tell she was compounding, using the pestle and mortar to crush and mix various elements together.

“Have a seat, I will be but a moment,” she said as she grabbed a thick pottery jar and placed her finished mixture inside. Sealing the top with wax, Beron was surprised when letters began to impress themselves upon the clay. “I usually wouldn’t use channeling for this, however the jar is too thin for chiseling,” she stated to his quizzical look.

“Now that’s done, let me see your work child,”’Aruin said as she took her own chair. After she had sunk into the plush cushioning, Beron handed his notes and workbook over to her. As she inspected the book, Beron was nervously chewing his lip to each murmur and shake of her head.

After many minutes, with the sound of a small fire being the only noise in the room, Aruin finally closed the book and looked at Beron. “Well I must say it is a shame you cannot channel Beron. You would make a fine healer, I have seen few students take to this subject as diligently. Luckily for you, there will be no shortage of excursions as the demands of the Grey Tower constantly create injury,” Aruin Sedai explained to Beron, her fingers tapping against the workbook as she listed off his qualities.

Then she schooled herself to stillness, and began s litany of questions. Without pause her questions came, firing off the common names of many herbs then demanding their characteristics and uses from him. Beron responded as readily as he could, trying to recall each plant, many of which had several names depending on where a person hailed from.

Finally the barrage of questions ended, and Aruin nodded her head to the Drin. “You learn fast, and a keen memory will help as well. Though I would advise you to use the knowledge you have as often as you can, or like your sword arm it will grow weaker. Once you have become Gaidin, you will be able to utilize a storeroom of your own; but for now I will help you store and work with the plants you collect,” Aruin Sedai offered to Beron’s surprise.

“Thank you Aruin Sedai, I appreciate the offer. I enjoy the chance to learn, and it feels more useful than mucking stables,” Beron said with a thankful smile, he hoped the Yellow Sister kept him in mind the next time she needed aid.

“With that said, we must improve your penmanship. I had suspicions it would not be the neatest, with you having mentioned growing up in Saldaea,” Aruin Sedai cut through his thanks as she stood and made her way towards one of the shelves. “Luckily I was able to utilize the busy hands of a few Accepted who are interested in the Yellow Ajah. This should start you off well, but I suggest asking someone to scribe for you, until you are a neater writer. A single blotch could mean you pick the wrong plant, or use a stem instead of leaf.”

With that said, the Aes Sedai presented Beron with a paper bundle, twine holding the paper folds over an object inside. Wordlessly he opened the parcel, his breath catching as he saw the leather that sealed the journal. It was sturdy and well made, yet small enough he knew he would have little trouble carrying it with important gear when he traveled. As he opened the journal he saw it was filled with rows and rows of neat writing, listings of a dizzying array of herbs and mushrooms; the benefits and drawbacks of which were all explained. It’s like having the Library there with you, Beron thought in wonder.

“There are pages in the back for your own findings and notes, but with the size of the pages I would steal a Novice or Accepted and have them scribe it.”

“Thank you Aruin Sedai. It is a present beyond anything I have received. I feel almost as I did the day I received my grandfather’s sword,” Beron said, his voice raw with emotion.

“Well child, it is not an easy path you have chosen, but if you continue to push and work hard, the gift will fit the Gaidin you can become. Now I must meet a Novice, so I will ask you to head to class. Let your teacher know I kept you past the chime.”

“Yes Sister, I will,” said Beron with a quick bow as he wrapped the paper back around his present. He would store it in his room quickly, then head to class because he knew time was short, but his fingers ached to flip through the pages.