Fanfic:Musings over Tea

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Musings over Tea
  • Sam
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Love, Catherina Tarasvi Sedai, mused over her tea, was an odd entity.

After all, who would have ever expected that, ten years ago, she would rescue a future Drin of the Grey Tower and eventually come to care for her like a daughter? Certainly not her. It simply wasn’t what one expected of an Aes Sedai. She’d as good as mothered the girl.

Of course, Cat mused with a small snort of amusement, she doubted Vibyka viewed the interest she’d taken in her as ‘mothering.’ She likely considered it Aes Sedai meddling. However, Vibyka had grown into quite a skilled gaidar, so Cat considered her meddling a success. Why she had taken such an interest in Vibyka she couldn’t quite say. Perhaps she had simply felt sorry for the Ebou Dari woman, perhaps she felt the girl’s aloneness in the world mirrored her own- but whatever her reasons, she had grown to care for Vibyka over the past eight years. It wasn’t an easy thing for a practical woman such as Cat to admit- after all, it had taken her quite some time to even admit she cared for her gaidar, Itarisa!- but there it was. She viewed Vibyka as a daughter.

She doubted Vibyka would feel the same way- she knew she hadn’t liked either her or Itarisa meddling in her life- but it didn’t change her feelings on the subject.

Speaking of Vibyka…. she thought, glancing up. The woman in question was perched across from her, on the other side of her tea table, appearing quite out of place. Cat’s lips twitched at the sight. She knew Vibyka didn’t enjoy tea parties, (not that this was actually a tea party), and likely had a dozen other places she wished to be. Cat was somewhat surprised she hadn’t attempted to wriggle out of this meeting- once she would have, but Cat supposed she had made progress with Vibyka over the past years.

Cat herself wasn’t fond of tea parties, but had insisted upon today’s meeting for two reasons. One, she had decided Vibyka could do with a dose of civilization, and two, she truly was curious about what was happening in the woman’s life lately.

Call it a mother’s interest.

Vibyka resisted the urge to groan. There were loads of things she’d much rather spend her afternoon doing than taking tea with Catherina Sedai. Not that she didn’t like tea- she did- she simply didn’t like tea parties. Particularly tea parties with Catherina.

She may have become used to the woman’s meddling in her life- she may have even begun to secretly like the fact that someone cared enough about her to meddle in her life (not an easy thing for her to admit at all) but that didn’t mean she wanted to attend a tea party with the woman!

Holding her tea cup rather awkwardly, Vibyka tried not to glance too eagerly at the door, attempting to suppress her growing irritation. She was a gaidar! She should be in the yards practicing, or.. or… doing anything besides this. However, she couldn’t help the small twinge of guilt at her grumpy thoughts. The woman had risked her life to save her all those years ago- a few hours over tea was likely the least she could do. And after all, she thought with an unexpected surge of fondness, Catherina wasn’t so bad, not truly. She had even grown to like the woman over the past years.

Glancing at the practical Grey, she wondered what the woman would think of that. Vibyka couldn’t imagine a more practical woman than Catherina Tarasvi, and she doubted fondness was a motive for the woman’s continued interest in her life. Most likely she either considered her a potential bondmate (Vibyka barely suppressed a grimace at that thought), or simply wanted to ensure that she hadn’t risked both her life and her warder’s life in vain.

Vibyka barely suppressed her amusement at the thought of Catherina’s reaction where she to tell her that she no longer minded her meddling (most of the time at least), or that she had actually grown to like her. She suspected the Grey would be surprised, to say the least.

Still... fondness or no, Vibyka thought, glancing surreptitiously at the door, she would be relieved when she could leave.