Fanfic:Miahala's Three Arches

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Miahala's Three Arches
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Amora Sedai led the Novice Miahala to the first Arch; "The way comes but once, be steadfast."

Mia found herself at a fire, Dorant, her eldest brother, was beside her. It was nighttime and the air was chill; Dorry and Mia were sharing their blankets and warming in front of the flames. She had a vague feeling of having done this already; this was one of their camps on the way through Andor, after they fled Saldaea but before they reached Baerlon. Abruptly the horses nickered in fear.

A sound of slicing air made it to their ears and Dorant was hit with a rock. As he sprawled groggy on the dirt, Mia was on her feet, knives gleaming and in hand. A man began to approach; she placed herself between the two. Instinct over-riding thought, deep inside she knew she had to protect her brother.

Then, suddenly, something shone in the darkness and she caught sight of it from the corner of her eye, she grabbed a swift full-on glance. The Arch! But once. She choked back a cry and ran for it, dropping her knives, don't look back.

She fell at the Mistress of Novices feet, gasping, and was led swiftly to the second Arch; "The way comes but once, be steadfast."

She was sitting in the gardens of the Grey Tower; it was a beautiful warm day. She had her drawing pad in her lap and a very handsome Drin'far'ji sitting beside her, and he was smiling at her. She could feel herself blushing. Ryne Machera, one of the few friends she had made in the tower so far, was the Drin'far'ji. She had a big affection for him and dreamt girlish daydreams of being his bride.

"You're just saying that." She told him quietly, her eyes on her drawing pad.

"No, I mean it! You are, without a doubt, one of the most talented artists I have ever met between here and Malkier!" He replied fervently; she giggled bashfully, looking at him through her lashes. Then he stood with the reason of needing some extra sparring time, he offered for her to watch, because she was aspiring, of course.

While he worked, she observed from a rock not too close but not too far away, then it happened, he was knocked back by an unlucky blow. He hit hard and she ran to him, he looked badly injured. His head was bleeding. Somewhere within her, she knew that she could heal him. He need her help, but then came that shining off to one side. She looked with tearful reluctance, but once.

"No." She sobbed once, but forced herself to stand and run towards it, don't look back.

Once more, she was with Amora Sedai, who ushered the crying Novice to her last Arch; "The way comes but once, be steadfast."

The Tower, she was in the Tower, she could tell that much. The Great Serpent ring on one finger and a wedding band on another. Ryne. She thought, smiling. She looked down at the desk she was sitting at.

"Green Ajah. Eyes and Ears!" She squeaked, she scrambled for thought, she could be birched for reading these, they belonged to Jel'viendha Sedai!

The door creaked open and a tall, dark, handsome man entered, wearing a black coat of the Asha'man and his black hair in the fashion of Shienar, he had a little girl, probably no older then four years old, on his hip. He grinned at her, who was he? There was a wedding band on his hand that matched hers, she could 'feel' him in her head, and the little girl had her Saldean shaped eyes, though the color was the blue that was his.

"Good Morning, My Love." The man said, he bent down to kiss her, confused, she let him but did pull back a little. "What's wro-" He began to say just as an explosion came from outside the building. She dashed outside.

Fire was everywhere, people, Aes Sedai and Asha'man were running and channeling Shields of Air, she could see the weaves of Saidar. They needed her help. Shine. She squeezed her eyes shut for just a second, trying to make it go away, but she had to look. The Third Arch; be steadfast. She screamed, "Blood and Bloody ashes!" And she ran for it, like she had the other two, hearing people call out her name. Don't look back.

And she was out and still crying, only harder this time. "Accepted Miahala."