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  • Alexandra
  • Eric Robins
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As he bowed, Aric took a deep calming breath as the Keeper announced him to the Amyrlin. "As you have called me Mother, so do I come." He seemed to have been visiting the Mother a lot, even for an Ajah Head. He walked forward and stood behind one of the seats facing the Amyrlin's desk, and placed his hands on the back. That way they wouldn't fidget and reveal his nervousness.

He had arrived in the Keeper's Office, presented his request to speak with the Mother, and of course waited. He could have sworn that he had received a few meaningful looks from Chyane, but they could have been his imagination. On the other hand it was likely the Amyrlin knew of his proposal, as Felora had known, therefore Chyane would likely know as well. He wasn't sure he liked so many people knowing.

Of course it might be more secret than he thought, he wanted the number to be kept to an absolute minimum. If too many people knew, and then the secret was let slip, then both he and Mother would most likely removed from their offices. Of course that was assuming the Mother even accepted his proposal at all. If she refused...He didn't want to think about that possibility.

If she did accept he thought he could trust Felora however. She had helped him immensely so far, he had seen her on the way up to the top of the Tower, and she had told him that it was a good time to approach Mother. Just to make sure however...

"Good day Mother. I hope I have not caught you at a bad time, as I wish to discuss something of some importance." He resisted the urge to gulp nervously. He was still getting the hang of the Asha'man's serenity.

The Amyrlin slid to the left side of her desk the smooth hot-pressed paper sealed in red wax with the crest of the Grey Tower - the Flame and Fang reunited. The note would be taken by Kimmryn when she next called upon the White Tower to deliver the final terms of agreement for the Flame of the Grey Tower's visit to the White Tower. A most satisfying conclusion to a long and drawn-out debate.

This was the motion just prior to Chyane's knock upon her door and announcement that First Seeker, and Warder-Channeler Representative, Aric Cosamaru Asha'man, had come for a private audience. The Keeper remained in the room, as was custom, until dismissed. Amora had a feeling, given her husband's confidence, regarding what sent her son hither. And she gave him her attention.

It seemed to Amora that Aric had been practicing the maintenance of his composure. Perhaps he had even studied the Game at her urging. He did not fidget or emote in distracting ways like he had in prior meetings. Yet the exception was in how he allowed his anxiety to divert him and neglect custom.

"Now is as good a time as any, my son." Amora said as she rose to standing. The delicate white silk of her robes fell into place around her figure. She was still in full morning for the passing of her children. And as she stepped down from the dais and approached near the First Seeker, the outer folds billowed, and the sheen of the Flame embroidered with silver thread blazed in morning light and the faint blue flickering of the torches around her study.

Amora extended her hand so that he might complete the greeting custom. And after a pause, she greeted him, "Light illumine you, my son." and then she turned, saying, "Walk with me." and her voice carried a little louder towards the door to the Keeper's study, "Follow too, daughter." And Amora passed from her study and into the anteroom of her apartments, where two chairs resembling the M'Hael's and Amyrlin Seat were raised upon a dais. This was where she entertained private audiences, such as the blacksmith from Ghealdean who had so recently pleaded for aid, and the Aielboy who had so recently asked for water and shade. If this was the occasion she expected it was, then her receiving room was the most appropriate place to discuss the matter, and with the Keeper of the Chronicles as to witness.

It had been a strange day, and when the First Seeker entered her office she knew it was only going to get stranger. Aric looked just slightly out of sorts when he entered her office that afternoon, as though he had never before requested an audience with the Amyrlin Seat.

She knew what this must be about. Amora had mentioned it to her in passing, and had left Chyane quite surprised. It surely wasn't something that had never been done, but it was something rarely done. Amora had not really said anything to hint at her opinion of Aric's proposal, but for herself Chyane did not really understand his motives.

Was he simply trying to get on her better side? Of course, he could not turn back his oath, but it still seemed that it could be used for personal advantage. And if not that, what else could be his motive.

Chyane formally announced Aric Asha'man, First Seeker and Warder-Channeler representative. Amora led them into her reception room, asking Chyane to follow. It was not uncommon for the Amrylin to keep her Keeper's presence, but this seemed like such a private discussion. Uncertain of what would take place, she followed in behind Aric.

Only when Mother had stood up and extended her hand to him did Aric realized that in attempting to be composed beyond his usual self he had forgotten to kiss her ring. His calm expression held as he did so, but on the inside he berated himself for such a foolish mistake. It did not appear that she took it personally however, as she beckoned him into the anteroom of her chambers.

He was glad that she said it was as good a time as any. He had heard that she had lost someone in the Siege, but he was unsure who it had been. Liana and Saphire were still alive. He knew that Leisha Gaidar had passed defending Saphire, and that was a great tragedy, but he didn't think it would affect the Mother so. He shrugged mentally, he would mourn her loss, as he knew how it was to lose a family member, but at the moment he was preoccupied with selfish notions.

Some people might not think the notions selfish, but they were of great importance to him. So much so that he would do almost anything for her to accept his proposal. Quite odd that, that he was anxious to swear himself to another, but he thought he could help aid her cause best in that way. That was how strongly he felt about the cause he shared with the Mother, and a measure of his respect for her as well.

As she took a seat he took a quick look around the room, but that was unimportant. "Thank you again for agreeing to see me today Mother. I was hoping to continue the discussion we had so long ago about Ajah unity, the one we had at the feast. Now that I have been raised for a while, and the head of one of the most secretive Ajahs, it has given me a new perspective on the subject."

The chair that had been placed on the dais of her anteroom was almost as throne-like as the Amyrlin Seat itself, which was seated in the Hall of Sitters. The Seat was strictly for public audiences and when the Hall of Sitters convened. Although smaller and less grand than the ceremonial heart of the Tower, this throne for private audiences and delegations was gilded with gold that glimmered brilliantly in the morning sun. Moonstones were carefully chosen for their enchanting play of light, a mysterious shimmer that changed with the position of the viewer, were all carefully arranged in the shape of the ancient Flame. The Flame was embedded in the high back of the chair, and Amora took her seat under it.

She waited for Chyane to take her place standing just behind her shoulder. If Amora had noted the manner of Aric's recovery from his previous err, it was not expressed. Those emerald eyes took in all and revealed nothing.

"Aye, I remember that day." the Amyrlin said, and perhaps there was a hint of warmth there. "You asked how close the Ajahs were to uniting. I told you then that the answer depends on who is leading them at the time and what lays before the Tower, for it is ever changing." It had not been something for a child to concern himself with. Yet now he had grown and chosen his Ajah, even risen swiftly to their First. "What new perspective have you gained, First Seeker?" she asked, "Has your new vantage point has enabled closer study of the subject?"

"It has indeed Mother. Being an Ajah Head does give you a very good perspective on such things. It has helped lose me...naivete. I now realize that some of the things I talked about and hoped for when I came here on first being appointed First Seeker are impossible. You can push stubborn people only so far. But with the help of you Sister Liana and a few more of the open minded Brothers and Sisters I believe we are on the way to a better Ajah."

He reminisced about the past year. It had been eventful. He had had to go about putting his ideas into motion very carefully. He still had much to learn about politics inside the Tower. But he was a lot more knowledgeable than he had been. "I hope that what I have managed to do so far has taken the Ajahs that much closer together. Although I think it may take a while for the other Ajahs to acclimate themselves to the new us." He breather a tiny sigh before continuing. "It is a pity that so many of the Ajahs are struggling. That in itself hampers progress towards unity. I think that when the Ajahs are small they are more insecure, and are therefore more resistant to cooperation with the other Ajahs. It is a good thing there has been a good deal of interest in the White lately, they definitely need it."

It suddenly struck Aric to ask Sydias what he thought about the topic. He was becoming a prominent member of the White, and they had been good friends. He would have to do it discreetly of course, Sydias might be like the old school Asha'man. He seriously doubted it though.

He stored the thought away and returned to the present. The slightest embarrassed smile crossed his face before he spoke again. "I have been talking a lot. I apologize. What do you think about what I just said Mother? I would love to hear your opinion, does it seem accurate?"

"The Wheel often weaves great change slowly." she said levelly, Except where the Dragon Reborn walks. "You have witnessed this. So too have you begun to understand the dynamics of the Ajahs and the key players." And she actually smiled.

Yes, she agreed, her granddaughter crossed boundaries too. Her training in the Yards afforded her this, as did Aric's position as Representative. Perhaps the Green, the Warders, and the Indigo Ajah would be closer knit than they ever had been before. And it was in good part due to him.

"What of the other players, those key threads in this Pattern?" she was speaking of the Ajah Heads, Sitters, and other prominent figures in the Ajahs who held sway. "What points of contention and agreement do you perceive between them? How might their threads intersect?"

Aric took a deep, slow breath before responding. It was a complicated question, and it would take a lot of thought. Fortunately he had been studying the Great Game, and he had been taking care to study everything that happened in the Hall and in the political world of the Tower in general. Well, everyone did that really. But it was a major thing for him because he wasn't used to doing it.

"Well, however horrid and damaging it was to the Tower, I believe that the Siege did had some positive impact on the Tower in that it brought the Ajahs together. The Indigos opened the Vaults for the Greens to use, and every Ajah contributed in what way they could." He sighed, the Tower had lost much in that siege. Too many had died to make what measure of unity they had gained worth it. But he forced a small smile on his face, one had to look at the bright side.

"Now that it is over however, and the threat of the Seanchan has receded, we have lost a little of it. Jealousy of the Greens numbers has grown again, and I must admit that I feel some. But I am still very close to the Green. And as I said earlier, your granddaughter and I have helped the more open minded Indigos be more tolerant of the Greens. It has also driven some of the more conservative Indigos in the opposite direction, but they are a minority.

"Friendships among the initiates help of course. I have good relations with both Serrah and Riven of the Blue, and Nerad of the Green, all of whom are leaders in their Ajahs. And I have heard that Sydias is a rising star among the Whites. If he becomes First Reasoner I think it will strengthen ties between the White and the Green, he is rather militaristic for a White, as well as the Indigo and Yellow. I know they have helped him a few times, they healed him of the plague for one. I don't know how he will interact with the Blues though...he has friends there, but I don't know what he thinks of the Game, and other things like that.

"I think the Greys, Browns, and Yellows all resent the other Ajahs to some extent. They have been cursed with a lack of Aspirants. Yaniallan, the Yellow Accepted, strikes me as the type who might one day lead the Yellow. She took up the Healing class, so she has initiative, and she is very strong in the Power. The years she was under the Seanchan affected her greatly. To survive I think she would need to have a great deal of cunning. I believe she might get on well with the Green and Blues."

Aric suddenly realized he had talked a great deal yet again. It would not do to bore the Mother to tears. He desperately hoped he hadn't.

IC: The regard with which she held Aric was not boredom, far from it, as subtle as her expression was. Amora leaned slightly on the arm of the seat and rested her chin in her propped hand, two fingers thoughtfully touching her lips. This was her cause after-all, and it had engaged her for many decades.

His was a brief and partial summary, to be sure, limited in scope - yet it corroborated with her interpretation. It was a start.

She recalled Sydias, the Soldier who had approached her in the Siege to propose that he and Sofina scout out the damane kennels in the unseen world. He had ridden with her daughter in that sortie and now attended her in mourning. Yes, he could be a strong knitting thread. She could not be accounted for.

Yaniallai, on the other hand, Amora had found as petulant as she was experienced. She showed exceptionally strong potential and could very well be a key piece in the Yellow Ajah, perhaps she would even be capable of Healing severance from the One Power. How much she was willing to follow anyone's but her own agenda, however, remained a question to be answered.

And yet, there was still the problem of jealousy.

"Have you any thoughts, my son, on how the resentments of the smaller Ajahs may be reconciled?" she tested.

IC: "Have you any thoughts, my son, on how the resentments of the smaller Ajahs may be reconciled?" Mother asked.

Aric frowned slightly, he had thought she might ask the question, but he had been unable to think of anything. "I'm afraid I have no answer to that question Mother. I have thought on it, but have been unable to come up with anything. With the Indigo being one of the more prosperous Ajahs, I can not say I have been in their situation, therefore I can not truly see it from their perspective."

"As I said earlier, I believe that being the Warder-Channeler Representative, and with your Granddaughter being the way she is certainly helped has helped Indigo-Green relations. I intend to continue trying to bridge the gap until we have eliminated as much of the resentment as possible."

He still could not think of anything else to say, so he decided to do what was appropriate in all situations if stumped. Consult an expert. "I still can not think of anything. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts you have had on the subject."

IC: "You raised justly," the Amyrlin Seat said, "the issue of resentment and jealousy, my son." having already given the matter a great deal of thought. "The point of contention: the drawing of aspirants and the strengthening of numbers."

"Thus, the question presents itself: what does make an Ajah attractive?" she asked rhetorically. "There was a time not so long ago when the our Ajah was considered for disbandment." she meant, of course, the Indigo Ajah, being of all Ajahs as she was, "In my opinion, there were two factors which breathed life into it instead. The first being strong leadership," she raised one finger, "the second being increased visibility." she raised the other.

"One way in which to make an Ajah more visible is by sending it out unto the world. You may be aware of the recent stirring of the White Ajah. That is both by virtue of the prominence of the son you so mentioned, but also, because Father and I have favored the White Ajah by allowing it to represent the Tower's interests abroad. Through the past two turns of the Wheel, the White Ajah chiefly has tested and recruiting our new initiates. This is how we found Adelina, who aspires to don the same shawl as she who found her."

And the Amyrlin Seat continued, "The other is to seek application of the Ajah and prove its worth. The Indigo Ajah had once been as secloistered as the Brown and White Ajahs both. It studied vigorously what they had, never seeking, never daring to venture out. And so it withered. By contrast, the Blue and Green Ajahs have continually proved their worth through battles and causes. So too must the White, the Yellow, the Grey, and the Brown be applied - where they can be seen and change the course of the Pattern. They must have something unique to offer that none else can, and be valued for it."

Aric's ever present friendly smile dimmed at the mention of that horrid discussion several years back about the disbandment of his Ajah. It had been before his time, but once he learned of it he had gone and looked up the Hall records on the topic. Admittedly there had been little or no activity in the Ajah, but he did not think it warranted disbandment. Thankfully the Hall had seen it that way as well, otherwise he wouldn't be who he was now. The First Seeker of that Ajah, which was now prospering.

His smile returned as the conversation moved on, and he listened carefully as she spoke of the Ajahs. It was true that the White had been favored with the attention of the Amyrlin and M'hael. Otherwise all of those recruiting parties would have been half Indigos. But nay, he would not resent it. If it brought life into other, less fortunate Ajahs, then it was for the best.

They must have something unique to offer that none else can, and be valued for it."

Those were wise words, although he did have a few thoughts on it. "Those Ajahs that you just mentioned, they do have many unique things to offer the world. But unfortunately they can't advertise them to the world without members to do so. Without members to do so they are unlikely to get Aspirants. But of course they have few Aspirants because they have few members. A vicious circle that."

Aric fell silent for a brief moment. He was unsure as to how to proceed. He did not want to just throw it out there. That would be folly, he hoped to try and test the waters. Of course with someone like Mother he could get his foot bitten off if he wasn't careful. "If I may say so Mother, even someone as wise as yourself certainly can not unite the Ajahs alone. I...would be honored to help in some small way if you would allow me."

"Aye, my son. That is the challenge that faces the Flame and Fang." she agreed. Visibility was of course necessary, often that required more people. But with dwindling numbers, strong leadership was critical for breathing life into an Ajah. To grow, an Ajah needed an even more charismatic leader if it was small compared to if it was large. One Head of an Ajah had to fill the leadership rolls of three or more people, the Sitters.

There was a pause, and Amora wondered if he would press his suit now. Her suspicion was conformed with his next words.

The Amyrlin leaned to one side and thoughtfully rested her chin in her hand, her forefinger just touching her lower lip. She weighed him considerably, as if he balanced on one side of a hanging scale. What he was weighed against could not be said, "And how would you aid my cause, my son?" she asked.

"And how would you aid my cause, my son?"

Aric could barely maintain his nervousness from shattering his serene Asha'man facade. A long, long time of planning and hoping was about to come to an end. Whether that end would be good or bad remained yet to be seen.

"For a very long time I have looked up to you and your cause. Uniting the Ajahs is both an honorable and necessary goal. It has burned in my mind ever since you first spoke to me of it at the feast all those years ago." He crossed the distance to kneel on one knee before her seat. She most likely knew by now what he was intending if she had not already. She was not blind. "As the Head of the Indigo I would use my resources to further the cause. I would endorse things that you think would aid it, and attempt to block things you think would harm it. I will talk to Aspirants of the Indigo and try to keep their minds open to cooperation between the Ajahs."

At this point she is probably asking, 'Then why not just ask for advice and such. Why fealty?' He took a deep breath and continued. "Despite my years as an Ajah Head I am still inexperienced in the ways of intrigue and the Game. You are the undisputed master of such things. By swearing fealty, I think you would better be able to use my abilities to further our common goal, if only because I would be sworn to do what was best even if I did not wish to."

Perhaps that had been a little too blunt, but it was to late now. He would forge on. "All that is only would take me as a vassal." And with that he held out his hands in supplication.

As Aric approached and knelt before her, Amora straightened in her throne to consider his suit. The commendation ceremony had begun with that gesture, and she weighed his intentions and what she knew of him. True, her Warder-husband was circumspect. But Amora had observed Aric for quite some time, ever since he had first approached her, and she had marked his progress.

It was an extremely serious matter to accept a vassal, almost as serious as marriage or bonding. It was not for the foolhardy to consider; to be impetuous and move too quickly was folly for both parties. She had needed time to discern whether he was a dilettante - holding only an amateurish or superficial interest in her cause. It was also possible that he would dissemble and disguise his real intentions and prove faithless. This was not the first time one had sought her favor, and sometimes motives for seeking it were duplicitous. Both were examples of flatterers, and not worthy of her confidance.

It was true Aric possessed both skills and position that were valuable. He had proven this by securing and setting the Fang sa'angreal for her, which in turn enabled her to cement the friendship of the most powerful man in the Tower: the M'Hael. This already served her cause of unity. And he had the mind to keep the records of this transaction, and the existence of her ring, undocumented to preserve her privacy.

The ways in which he could be an asset was not the only factor to be considered, there was also the possible liability, as Sigmund was like to point out. It was true that Aric was unworldly in the ways of politics and the Game. Yet, Amora noted, his loyalty and reverence had been steadfast. How ardently had he defended her honor to this daughter Theresa Sedai of the White Tower, who had had the insolence to address her as 'Amora Sedai' and seek immediate audience.

And yet, Aric's ferventness was tempered with restraint. It was clear in the way he had approached her that he had studied chivalry earnestly, both by his immediate and broader approach. He had followed the prudent course of action and come to Sigmund, and Felora, first. Both had, in their own ways, set him on the straight and narrow path. This had also eased her concern that one of them, or the others who served her, would feel undermined. She could not afford such conflict.

His reasons were cogent, convincing and well-reasoned, as well as admirable. Further, his implicit trust in her judgement above his own moved her. He made obeisance and offered his hands clasped palm-to-palm in homage to her will.

Amora in turn said, "And I would offer guidance in the ways of politics and Da'es daemar, my son. So too with time may I gradually confide in you what I hear and see from my sources." She paused slightly to confirm whether this was what he wanted. The presumption with which it seemed Aric desired full access to her Eyes and Ears was tempered by what Felora had relayed. He had spoken poorly to the Master of Arms; and yet, elocution would come with education in the Game.

She took his clasped hands and held them in her own, binding him to the oath he was about to make. "Then I will have you gladly, my son."

The Amyrlin Seat attended his oath of fealty and homage. After a short pause she intoned formally, "Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I, Lady Amora en'Damier Sedai of Whitebridge and the Grey Tower, Duchess of Whitebridge, High Seat of House en'Damier, Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of the Grey Tower, the Amyrlin Seat, do take thee, Aric Cosamaru Asha'man of Kandor, First Seeker, and Warder-Channeler Representative as my vassal. As thy liege lady, I will adhere to the code of chivalry. I shall honor my oath and hold thee to thine until I release thee of it, or until death." She smiled warmly for him, "Thou art my man, my vassal Aric Cosamaru. Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth I swear it."

Amora released him. Gently she held his head in her hands and kissed his brow. She then presented him with a ring of bronze etched with the en'Damier sigil of four swans in flight. "Accept this ring as a token of thy fealty to me." and when he had, she looked to Chyane, "Let it be written in the Secret Histories, and sealed to the Flame." She said, and then spoke to Aric again, "May the light illumine thee and the Grey Tower. It is done."


Amora's eyes seemed to stare through his very soul as he knelt in front of her. Several more times his calm facade almost broke, but only the hope that she would accept his offer kept it from shattering into a million pieces.

"And I would offer guidance in the ways of politics and Da'es daemar, my son. So too with time may I gradually confide in you what I hear and see from my sources." He winced internally at the memory of his folly with Lord Sigmund. He had not thought out what he had wanted, and so had spoken in haste and likely lowered himself in Sigmunds eyes. Thankfully Mother made no mention of it and simply modified what he had said to something much more appropriate.

He didn't grasp the meaning of those words until she clasped his hands in her own and continued. "Then I will have you gladly, my son." Only through rapid blinking and deep breathing did he keep himself from bursting into tears of joy. She had accepted.

"Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I, Aric Cosamaru of the Grey Tower, First Seeker, and Warder-Channeler Representative swear to serve you faithfully and to the absolute best of my ability as your vassal. I will adhere to the code of chivalry and honor, and will uphold my oath until you release me of it, or until death."

As she spoke her acceptance he was filled with joy. She had changed her manner of speaking with him. You had become thou, it meant he was trusted now, a confidant. Yes, this end was very definitely a good one. As she clasped his head and kissed his brow he smiled. A small smile, but filled with happiness. Then she handed him the ring, and he barely stopped himself from laughing. She HAD known all along after all. "You honor me Mother."

"Let it be written in the Secret Histories, and sealed to the Flame." At that Aric did flinch, he had completely forgotten about Chyane's presence. But she was without a doubt trustworthy. She would not intentionally betray what had just occurred here.

"And may the Light illumine you as well Mother. It is finally done." He stood up slowly and slipped the bronze ring into his breast pocket. He would keep it concealed on him at all times. "Now that I am your vassal, what would your first command to me be Mother? How may I serve?" And he flourished a bow exactly right for one who was the Amyrlin and his Lady. The entire en'Damier family had helped him get to this point, even Lord Sigmund. And now he was tied to them.