Fanfic:Crysthia's Great Stair

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Crysthia's Great Stair
  • Crysthia (player)
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The Yellow Ajah

Crysthia stares at the woman for moment, not really hearing her. "Please you have to help him!" The woman says urgently. "Take me to him." Crysthia says as she follows the woman to an unconsious child lying on the ground.

She looks the boy over, he is still breathing but he appears to have a broken leg. "This is beyond my very limited healing skills, do you have a village healer nearby? The child should be taken to her at once. I believe it is just a broken leg but a skilled healer would be able to better diagnose him."

The woman nods slowly. "Yes, but I cannot carry him so far." Her eyes are pleading for help. "I can assist with that." Crysthia says as she weaves flows of air to bind and cushion the boy so that his body cannot move during the transport. Then she uses the flows to lift him up and nods to the woman to lead the way.

They arrive safely to the healer who takes him in immediately. "Thank you for your help Aes Sedai! I can never repay you."

The Green Ajah

Crysthia looks around wondering how she has ended up in the middle of a war. "I will do what I can! Go, your men need you!" Crysthia calls over the shouts. She knows she has not trained nearly as much in battleweaves as she could have, but she is not a green Aes Sedai after all.

She looks out over the battlefield and embraces the source. She begins throwing fireballs at various trollocs as well as directing lightning down at them. She manages to kill several but it's not enough. She curses not knowing more as she continues the onslaught against the shadowspawn.

It is beginning to seem hopeless and she is getting exhausted but Crysthia will not just give up. She continues on and somehow the battle seems to turn for the better. "Oh thank the light." Crysthia utters as the battlefield vanishes.

The Blue Ajah

Crysthia finishes her meal as she decides what to do about this situation. Ordinarily she tries not to get involved in things but she feels she must do something this time. She pays for her meal giving the serving girl a tip and a wink and then leaves.

Crysthia waits outside until the girl appears carrying some trash. Crysthia beckons to the girl. "Come with me." The girl's eyes go wide. "Oh no I couldn't, if I take too long getting back . . ." The girl drops her head in a sort of shame.

Crysthia smiles reassuringly at her as she embraces the source and begins the necessary weaves of illusion. Very soon the girl realizes she is looking at herself. "Relax I am an Aes Sedai and I am going to help you, now I need you to speak a little so that I can match your voice better." Crysthia tells her as she begins the modifying her voice the match the girls.

"How can you help? Why would you? I'm just scum. Not even worthy to work here." Crysthia can tell the girl is scared and does not have a high opinion of herself. That will have to change. "You are not scum and you can do better than a place where a man beats you." Crysthia tells her in a voice that sounds much like her own.

"Now I want you to watch and listen, for you must carry on the charade when I leave." Crysthia marches in to the inn where the innkeeper is waiting. "What took you so long you piece of filth!" He shouts. Suddenly Crysthia appears to be about 10 feet tall. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN TREAT ME IN SUCH A WAY. YOU WILL NEVER HIT ME OR ANY OF THE OTHER GIRLS HERE OR YOU WILL BE SORRY DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Crysthia's voice, as the serving girl's booms.

The innkeeper falls all over himself trying to get away as Crysthia shrinks back down to normal size and walks out to where the real serving girl is waiting. "There now, he shouldn't trouble you or the other girls again. If he starts to, just shoot him a menacing look." She says and walks away.

The Indigo Ajah

Crysthia follows the man to meet his younger brother, thoughts racing through her mind. I wonder what troubles the young man. Most likely he is a channeler and doesn't know it. Else perhaps Ta'veren. All thoughts regarding the man's possible problem cease as she comes upon him.

The yellow eyes are all she needs to know. "When did his eyes turn yellow?" She inquires of the elder man. He looks upon his brother and then at the Aes Sedai. "I hadn't notice that before, though it did seem as if his eyes were getting lighter." He replies.

"Your brother is what is called wolfkin. It is a rare gift but is known to us at the tower. You do not need to worry he will be just fine, though he may need to leave you for a time, to better understand who he is and what his gifts are.

The younger man, who has been listening, turns to the Aes Sedai. "Where would I go? This is my home!" Crysthia can see the man does not like what he is hearing. "You must go with the wolves for a time. I know you can hear them calling to you. Trust me it is not random voices you hear but the wolves in the surrounding forest. They know that they share a kinship with you and wish to teach you. You must give in so that you may learn, else you will likely drive yourself insane pretending it's not happening."

At the mention of the voices the man sat down. It is obvious to him that the Aes Sedai knows exactly what she is saying. He nods to her solemnly. "Good luck child." She says to him as the world dissolves.

The Brown Ajah

Crysthia stands at the doorway of the shack wondering what it is she's doing there. She is not a Brown, such things really do not interest her. Still it is tower business. "Good day to you, I am Crysthia Faedryn, Aes Sedai of the White Ajah. I understand that you have knowledge of things past and the tower is interested in recording such information."

The old man grunts at this but allows Crysthia in. "All I got are them books over there. Leftover from the age o' legends they are. Found em in me youth I did. Never did unnerstand em. Can't read old tongue. Come to that these days I can't read our tongue either. Anyway the tower's welcome to em. They ain't no use to me. Found em in some cave I did, in me youth." The old man continues to mutter on as Crysthia looks at the books in question. They are quite old and look about ready to fall apart,

Crysthia takes out some cloth and very carefully wraps each book individually, occasionally nodding to the babbling old man. Once the books are loaded she thanks the old man and makes ready to continue on her journey.

The Grey Ajah

Crysthia thinks over the situation with disgust. As a Cairhienin she feels a very slight loyalty to her country despite having spent years in the tower, yet this situation is truly ridiculous in her eyes. She looks to the Grey. "Negotiation is really not my expertise but perhaps it is logic that is needed in this case, and logic is my expertise. I will do what I can."

Crysthia decides to meet with advocates for Cairhien as well as the Andor "The way that I see it, the men were caught on Andoran land. Therefore it is to Andors discretion to try the men. However since the men are Cairhienin soldiers I feel that it may be appropriate for the Cairhienin General as well as one or two officials that he so chooses to sit in on the trial and assure it's fairness. Once Andor decide on the verdict, I think it should be the Cairhienin who propose punishment. If the punishment is acceptable to Andor it shall then be carried out. If it is not then they shall submit a revised punishment. When all are in agreement it shall be done. It would be foolish to go to war when this can be settled peacefully do you not agree?" The advocates agree that this is sound logic and take the proposals back to their commanders in hopes of an agreement.

Crysthia feels she has done the best she is able as the world around her fades once more.

The White Ajah

Crysthia listens as she begins reasoning out such a paradox. "The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. The man has committed murder, and yes it was to the willing of the wheel that he did so. But that does not absolve him from his action. He still knowingly killed a man, and it is to the will of the wheel as well that he be punished for it. The wheel does not weave every individual action that we do, it does provide for some choice. Although the wheel may have willed for the murdered man to be killed, it did not necessarily mean for it to be murder. Had the murderer chosen not to kill this man, he could have died in an accident just as simply. But that does not change the fact that he was murdered and the murderer chose to do it. He therefore must be punished for the murder. Philosophy does not belong in a law makers court I'm afraid." At this moment Crysthia is glad she had chosen White as her Ajah because she does not think she would have been able to answer such a question had she gone another path.