Fanfic:Changing Tides

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Changing Tides
  • Kenneth
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Taesh, the Atha’an Miere Soldier, was in his favorite place of the Grey Tower, the Gardens. This space brought him as much peace and renewal that any place that was not the sea could. As usual he had his black coat laying across a bench, his boats by the entrance to the Garden as he walked around the verdant space barefoot. The feel of the grass on his skin feet coupled with the kiss of the wind on his skin always brought a sense of euphoria to the young Soldier. When he first came to the Tower he was excited, but he didn’t think the Grey Tower would ever feel like home the way that the Star Song had felt, but he was wrong. The Grey Tower had become his ship, and its citizens his new Clan. As he was going about to lay beneath his favorite tree, a felt a presence behind him. He turned, and looked into the face of the Master of Soldiers. For a moment the Atha’an Miere panicked, his mind racing to remember if he had offended anyone, or broke some Tower rule. Though he had come to feel at home in the Tower, that did not erase his love of laughter and joy. He had towed the line of appropriateness on the Star Song, and that trait carried right over to the Tower. He had learned quickly that many of the Asha’man and Aes Sedai did not appreciate jokes, laughter and an ever smiling face, especially during important lectures and lessons. Still, it had not broken his desire to smile, and to make others be at peace through humor; but he could not remember any recent offense. Not one that he had already served penance for at least.

Before he could greet the Master of Soldiers, he was told to follow in no uncertain terms. Taesh sighed, wondering what he would be punished for now, quickly gathering his coat and stomping his feet into his boots on the way out. He wanted to ask, wanted to say something, but thought the better of it and continued to follow mutely. As the two channelers of saidin approached the office of the Master of Soldiers and then continued past it, Taesh finally did speak up.

“Where are we going?” he asked.

“Follow” was the only response he got.

The Master of Soldiers lead the confused Atha’an Miere into the lowest basement. The pale rock through which it has been hewn is smooth but unadorned. There were two sets of high wooden doors as tall as the Gate of the Battlements. The lamps, set high on both sides of the doors, were only lit next to one set and casted eerie shadows along the other.

Easily pushing one door open, the Master of Soldiers allowed the soldier to enter first. As Taesh stepped into the great domed chamber, he saw that the lamps, on their high stands, illuminated the chamber.

There were three rounded, silver arches in the center of the room. They were just tall enough to walk under and sat on a thick silver ring with their ends touching where they joined it. Around the Arches sat three Asha'man. One brother's eyes were open as he led the other two. Four other Asha'man stood to one side of the domed room near a table which holds three chalices. An eighth brother closed the doors through which the dark-skinned Soldier and the Master of Soldiers entered. Not counting the Master of Soldiers, there was an Asha'man from each Ajah present.

The Master of Soldiers moved to flank of Taesh, and the young Atha’an Miere took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. The Master of Soldiers voice was soft as he spoke, and his eyes stared at the Arches as well.

"No man hears these words until he stands where you stand now, Soldier. Once you begin, you must continue until it is ended. If you refuse at any time between entering the first Arch and leaving the third, you will be put out of the Tower as though you had approached the Room of the Arches three times and each time refused." He pauses. "To seek, to strive, is to know danger.

"Some men have entered the Arches and never come out." His face held a brief hint of compassion. "Even when the ter'angreal was allowed to quiet, they were not there. Not then, and never since. You must remain resolute. Falter, fail and... "

His silence was more eloquent than any words.

A bit of fear rose in Taesh, but he quickly suppressed it.

"This is your last chance," the Master of Soldiers continued. "You may refuse now, and it shall be counted as the first attempt. If you choose to go on, then there will be no turning back until you either return from the third Arch, or remain lost in the Arches for the rest of the Ages. It is no shame to refuse. Many do. Choose."

It took only a moment for Taesh to contemplate, only the briefest of moments for him to make the decision that would set him on an unchangeable path “I accept” he said, trying to sound solemn.

"Then ready yourself."

An Asha’man approached the Atha’an Miere channeler, a quick look told Taesh that the man wanted his clothing. Smiling to himself Taesh quickly stripped, thinking If I would’ve known I could’ve kept the coat and boots off and been halfway ready. He gave his clothing to the Asha’man, who had a Yellow chord around his neck, and watched as the man folded the clothing and set it down.

When the Taesh was ready, the Master of Soldiers led him toward the Arches and the Asha'man who stood ready, watching.

"Whom do you bring with you, brother?" the Asha'man intoned.

The Master of Soldiers stepped forward at a measured pace as the soldier walked toward the Arches.

"I bring one who comes as a candidate for Dedication, brother."

"Is he ready?"

"He is ready to leave behind what he was and, passing through his fears, gain Dedication."

"Does he know his fears?"

"He has never faced them, but is willing."

"Then let him face what he fears," the Asha'man intoned, and stepped aside.

The Master of Soldiers stopped before the first Arch.

"The first time is for what was. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast."

The soldier stepped toward the first Arch and was surrounded by bright light.

First Arch

The sounds of the sea washed over young Taesh as he laid out on the deck of the Star Song his eyes creating images of the clouds that barely moved in the sky. There was no wind, the sails of the ship hung limp, looking like the chest of some of the older women on the ship. Taesh laughed aloud at the thought, wondering if anyone else had made the same connection.

“What you laughing at now Taesh” a voice called

Taesh turned to his side and looked at his friend, Reko, still laughing. “What do the sails remind you of?” he asked the confused boo.

The question only solicited an even more confused look, until Taesh explained what had caused the round of laughter, and then an even louder bought began as the two shared the joke. Taesh had always felt that laughter was better when it was shared.

He knew that the ships sails would not look like that for much longer, soon they would be full and speeding the ship on its way to the next destination. His mother’s Windfinder was only taking a break from calling the winds. Truly she was in a meeting with his mother and father, Sailmistress and Cargomaster of the Star Song and everyone knew why. Tension on the ship was high, one of the deckhands, hoping to earn himself another piercing and some rank had attempted to make a bargain at the last port city. It had gone terribly wrong, and Sailmistress Goelen High Crest found herself bound to a deal that no Atha’an Miere would have ever agreed too. So she and her husband Nerien were meeting with the errant clansman and the Windfinder. They had been in the Sailmistress’s quarters for a while, and everyone on the ship was anticipating what the outcome would be. No one was happy about the bargain, and all knew that the consequences for stepping out of order were harsh, but no could blame the man for wanting to raise his station. But with an adept Cargomaster like Nerien, very few of the men had the chance to obtain great bargains and raise themselves; and that is exactly what was yelled when the door to the Sailmistresses office came crashing open.

“I will not let you keep me mopping decks and mending sails Nerien!” the offending Atha’an Miere yelled, who also happened to be the father of Reko.

The two boys jumped up, concern and confusion coloring their faces as they watched their fathers argue.

“Keep making stupid mistakes like you did and you won’t have to, we’ll have you cleaning the barnacles from the bottom of the ship!” Taesh’s father threatened, meaning every word.

“Blast you son of the sands!” Reko’s father yelled, pulling the curved sword that was tied to his waist out.

Time stood still on the ship, Reko made to move toward his father, but someone grabbed him. Taesh was too quick though, and moved towards his own father. He could always calm his father, anyone, with his smile and his words. He saw his father remove his own sword, and knew that Reko’s father was outmatched.

“Father” Taesh called out, a laugh that he did not feel playing across his tone. He could stop this, he had done it before.

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

Taesh looked about in confusion, and noticed that the door to his mother’s quarters was open, a bright light shining through it. He looked back, and saw his father and Reko’s father circling each other. A part of him heard Reko crying, pleading for them to stop.

No, I can stop this

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

Tears of frustration threatened to spill over from the corner of Taesh’s eyes as he made his way toward that shining door. They finally did spell when just as he put one foot through the door, he heard but two clashes of the swords, and then his childhood friend screaming his father’s name

Taesh stepped back into the room, tears creeping down his face as memory flooded his mind.  An Asha'man emptied a silver chalice over his head. The cool touch of the water calmed him, it wasn’t sea water, but still it centered his tormented emotions. There was still a touch of sorry as he looked at the Red Asha’man who had poured the water over him.

"You are washed clean," he intoned, "of what sin you may have done, and of those against you. You are washed clean of what crime you may have committed, and of those committed against you. You come to us washed clean and pure, in heart and soul."

The Master of Soldiers led Taesh to the Second Arch. "The second time is for what is. The way back will come but once. Be Steadfast."

The Atha’an Miere hesitated briefly before he stepped into the second arch and was enveloped by bright light.

The Second Arch

It was true the Atha’an Miere could be often found in the library these days, but he knew he had no desire to be Brown. There was too much outside of the Tower library to experience. He visited so often to learn about those things that he hoped to one to see in person, especially other cultures. His lessons on the history of the nations of the world piqued his interest in how those nations operated now, and how their people lived their lives. So, he interviewed those he could in the Tower, and read as many books as he could. He quickly gathered a book on the history of Andoran law, and another on Altaran customs and made his way to an empty table.

“Well if it isn’t the Smiling Seafolk Soldier” a sneering voice said.

Taesh sighed, turning to see a rather pale Cairhienin Soldier standing in between two rows of books. The young man had taken an instant disliking to the Soldier, after Taesh had turned town his advances. The Atha’an Miere was used to romantic overtures from men and women, his somewhat feminine face and exotic looks had always brought him attention; but he simply wasn’t interested in the Cairhienen. From the moment Taesh had dared to utter no to the privileged youth, the Soldier had made it his business to inspire all the dislike he could toward the dark-skinned channeler. He had rejected all of Taesh’s attempts at civility, so Taesh had all but given up at trying.

“And a good day to you” Taesh replied, still in a jovial nature.

“Don’t try your trader tricks with me ship-boy, you might have everyone else fooled, but not me. I don’t even know why the Tower accepted the likes of you here. Everyone knows about your kind” the jaded Soldier spat.

Taesh placed his books on the table, with a little more force than he intended. He had heard some of the rumors and unfounded beliefs about the Atha’an Miere, and made it a point to correct the false facts, yet they persisted. 

“And what does everyone know about my kind?” Taesh asked, his ire rising, the smile on his face taking a threatening edge.

“That you shifty-eyed sea serpents will trade anything for a bit of coin. How much did your parents get for you when the dumped you here? Probably ended up paying the Tower to keep you I bet” he laughed, a sonorous and ugly sound.

“You disgusting sack of fish guts, how much do you think someone would have to pay me to bend you over? Taesh yelled, bringing the attention of the attendant Brown. 

“I would never lie with one of you sea-slime laggards” the boy replied.

Taesh had enough. He despised anyone speaking that way about him, let alone his entire people. He advanced on the boy, prepared to teach him how much of a storm the Atha’an Miere could be when angered when he noticed a bright light behind the rejected Soldier. 

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

The target and cause of Taesh’s ire continued right on with his assault of foul words. “I heard that your women walk around the ship with their sagging chests out, and any man that wants too just comes up and…” the Soldier finished the statement by puckering his lips. “milk of the sea they call it” again the horrendous sound that apparently was laughter escaped from the lips of the Cairhienin. “How many buckets did your mother pour out for the many men she must have met?” 

There was a storm within the usually laid-back Atha’an Miere, a storm that was whipping into a frenzy. Normally Taesh was calm, and liked things around him to be calm, yet there was one button that could be pushed to stir the jovial natured Seafolk into a frenzy, and that was testing his loyalty. If laughter was his greatest gift, then loyalty came in a close second. He was loyal to his friends, his family and his people. The Grey Tower might be home, but the Atha’an Miere would always be his heritage, and he could not stand any attack, no matter how baseless on his heritage. 

With determined and purposeful steps, his muscle taunt from the anger welling within, Taesh stepped towards the foul Soldier, his hands already pressed into fists. The veins in his arms showed, as he pushed aside a chair forcefully to get to the offender. 

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

Taesh barely registered the voice in his head, so intent was he on his target. He meant to teach the fool a lesson that would stick through the Ages. The dark-skinned Soldier had no regard for possible penance, only the need to make sure that the pale-skinned brat never spoke of the Atha’an Miere with nothing less than reverence and fear.

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

This time, Taesh did register the voice, and though he knew it not, he recognized a sense of finality in the message. Everything in him wanted to pound the face of the other Soldier, but something told him he must listen to the voice. Taesh was not a violent man, but he could feel he assailant’s face being assaulted by his fist, like the sea pounding into a shore that dared to try to contain it.  He wanted to feel that, to know that he had done right by his people and not let the offense go unpunished, as no Atha’an Miere would have. Yet, the message and urgency in the voice held sway, and Taesh only stared at the other Soldier, anger and frustration warring over his face. 

“Well come at me then” the petulant Soldier said, though with little conviction. Taesh scoffed in disgust and walked past the other Soldier and stepped to the light. He almost turned around when he heard the Cairhienin say “Yeah you better walk away! Coward! Ship-boy!” 

The Silver Arch flashed before Taesh and he stepped through. Again he felt cold water flow over him and Grey Asha'man's words. This time it took a little longer for the water to effect the Atha’an Miere’s mood.  He felt, in not teaching that snot of a Soldier a lesson, he had been disloyal to his people. It wasn’t until he realized that he had never actually met such a person that he was able to calm down. 

"You are washed clean of false pride," he intoned. "You are washed clean of false ambition. You come to us washed clean, in heart and soul."

The Master of Soldiers gently took her/his arm and led her/him to the last Arch. "There is but one left child," he said. "The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast."

Taesh breathed deeply, attempting to prepare himself for what could not be known and stepped through the last arch and was again enveloped in the bright light.

The Third Arch

Taesh stood in the courtyard of the Grey Tower, marveling at where life had brought him. Idly, almost reverently, his hands rubbed gently at the Grey chord resting across his shoulders. The Atha’an Miere had done what he had set out to do. Though the choice had not truly been his to come to the Tower, he had succeeded in the lessons and tests set before him. Now he was a member of the Grey Ajah, with a mission to broker peace among the peoples and nations of the world. Everything had led to this day, and he was ready for what the rest of his long life would bring.

“You’ve done very well son”

Taesh turned quickly at the sound of the familiar voice, a voice he had not heard for quite some time. It was his father, standing side by side with his mother. The newly raised Asha’man had to blink, making sure that he wasn’t seeing a vision. He could not believe that his parents were here, so far from sea and ship.  Once he knew it was true, the smile on his face grew as big as it good, his teeth shining against the dark skin. 

“i…I have missed you” he managed to get out, tears of joy causing his eyes to sparkle all the more. He had not seen his parents for some time. Not since the day he had been informed that a bargain had been made. After it was discovered that their son had the spark, and could channel; his parents had made some kind of deal with the Asha’man who had informed them of the potential in their child. Taesh had never knew all the details of the bargain, only that he would go to the Grey Tower to be taught all that he could. He knew that that could not be all of the bargain, his parents and by extension their ship and Clan must benefit somehow; but he had never been told more than that. 

“And we you, but we will catch up on the ship” his mother replied.

“The ship?” Taesh asked, confusion beginning to replace the joy of reunion.

“Of course boy” his father began, using the tone he had used when Taesh was small. “You didn’t think we would leave you here did you? No son of the Star Song will be stuck on land. The bargain was, they teach you all you could learn, and you return to use to teach the other lads who can. And for that, the clan made an exclusive shipping deal with the Tower.” His father sounded proud, and his mother looked it. 

“The deal was so good, once you come back, it’s all but done that I will be Wavemistress of the clan” his mother said, sounding quite pleased.

“But…” Taesh began.

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

“But what son?” his mother responded. “Come now, we need to be off. I know a few Sailmistresses who would love a Cargomaster who can also be the Windfinder. We’ll find you a young one, who can be Wavemistress after me.” 

Taesh was conflicted, his life was in the Tower now, his clan his Ajah. His parents made movement to leave, but in the opposite direction was a shining arch, in the middle of the courtyard. 

“I…My life is here now. Perhaps if you had told me of the bargain before now, I would have been prepared for this, but I am not” Taesh began, noting the growing confusion and anger on his parents’ face. “I have made a life here, I have made a family here, I have made a Clan here! You made this bargain and never told me, I haven’t seen you both in years, I had no clue, no idea! I am of the Grey now, my purpose is bringing peace to everyone, land and sea. I cannot spend my days on the ship, teaching others. Had I known!” he wailed, screaming in frustration at his parents and at the Pattern.

"The way comes back but once. Be steadfast."

“I’m sorry” the Atha’an Miere Asha’man whispered as he turned his back on his parents and moved towards the arch.

“Taesh, Taesh!” his father called. “What are you doing boy, come back here! The bargain son, remember the bargain. We are you family! We are your Clan!”

Taesh continued to move towards the arch, though his spirit was breaking, he focused on that bright light. He knew what it would mean for his parents to return without the fulfilled bargain, he knew what could happen. He also know what it meant to choose the Tower of the Clan, and it was tearing him apart inside.

As the soldier stepped out of the Arch, the M'Hael stood before him with the last chalice in his hands, as well as an Asha'man wearing cords from each Ajah. The Atha’an Miere knelt before him, breathing heavily. He slowly poured the water over the soldier's head as he spoke.

"You are washed clean of who you were. You are washed clean of all ties that bind you to the world. You come to us washed clean, in heart and soul. You are Dedicated of the Grey Tower." The last drop splashed into the soldier's hair. "You are sealed to us, now."

Taesh was confused, exhausted, and emotionally drained. Was all of the real? he asked himself, not quite understanding. Would he have to turn his back on his parents, on his people? Or had he already done that the moment he stepped foot in the Tower’s halls? If he truly had to make that choice, would he?

The M'Hael passed the empty chalice to one of the Asha’man present and produced a silver pin in the shape of a sword. Taesh trembled as the M'Hael pressed it into the palm of his hand. The M'Hael helped him to stand. "Welcome, son," he said and kissed the new Dedicated's cheek. "Welcome."

Looking at the silver pin in his hand, Taesh smiled, a smile mixed with joy and sorrow. He knew in that moment, that he had already made the choice.