Fanfic:Ahura's Three Arches

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Ahura's Three Arches
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First Arch

The heat struck her in the face. But even as her sweat evaporated, her thoughts and memories evaporated with it. The noon sun was fierce and cruel in the Three-fold Land and she had no work standing like this. Light! She had become a drooling fool after the wedding with Kaim'chal. But even that knowledge couldn't erase her little happy smile.

What? Married? She knew there was something wrong with the thought, but couldn't put her finger on it.

In the next moment all doubts vanished as she saw the light of her life striding across the sand toward her. Her heart fluttered and she laughed out loud.

They were married only days ago, and Kaim could not let her out of his sight.

The way back will come only once. But even as she thought it she was distracted by the sight of Kaim's lithe half-naked body moving with the grace of a wild animal. He was the most handsome man she had ever known and he was all hers! At the thought she blushed.

Kaim didn't slow down when he reached her, but swung her around till her head was dizzy and she was giggling like a foolish wetlander. Without letting her touch the ground Kaim kissed her. All remaining thoughts vanished. The way back will come only once. came from somewhere, but she was too absorbed to pay any attention to it.

"Come, let us go back to the camp", Kaim sounded as eager as she felt herself.

They had gone hunting together to the spine. She had always wanted to see the white things that so reminded her of cities, and Kaim couldn't refuse her. They were still far from reaching their destination, but they had stopped just in the ------ of the mountains and they had been too busy with each other to continue their adventure.

"Yes, let us go back" and laughing they started running hand in hand like notty children who have escaped from the watchful eye of their parents.

But a silver arch appeared in front of them and Ahura paused in mid stride.

"What is it, love?" Kaim asked with a smile. "Are you so eager you can't wait for the camp?"

The way back will come only once.

"No, why now?" she looked at Kaim. "I can't stay"

"What do you mean you can't stay? Do you want to go back already? It was your idea in the first place, but if you really want to go back, we'll do it!"

"No! No, you don't understand! I have to go!" With a sob she tried to escape, but Kaim grabbed her hand. There was hurt in his eyes.

"You know I love you! What is this talk of going away?"

"I love you too! Remember this always-I love you more than life itself, but now is not the time. I promise I'll find you wherever you are, and then we will never separate ever again! But now I have to go!" and Ahura freed herself of his hold and ran into the arch.

Second Arch

Ahura was dead tired. For some time now, her head ached and every bone in her body felt brittle like dried clay all the time.

The way back will come only once came from somewhere but she banished the thought. It was too difficult to concentrate. She groaned when she remembered how much work was left for her. And Kaim was nowhere to be seen of course; when it came to housework he always had more important things to do. They didn't even have gay'shain any more. It was so unfair! She had left the Maidens in order to marry Kaim because she had wanted to believe his promises of everlasting love. What a fool she had been! He didn't want anything else beyond warm food and a body for the long cold nights.

She was getting more and more angry.

She missed her free days as a Maiden of the Spear. Now she hardly went to the desert. And how was she supposed to do all the housework and look after their son? He was full of mischief and cried all the time. Sometimes she just couldn't stand him anymore.

Just then Jair came running into the room. He stumbled on his chubby legs and fell breaking her favorite vase. With a wail that could waken the dead he informed her that he was hurt and needed comfort.

Suddenly, it was just too much for Ahura. The rage consumed her. She searched for the light. She wanted to make him stop crying, his wails were driving her mad! The light consumed her and together with it came the pain and the darkness.

After what seemed eternity she came to herself. Everything around her was in ruins. There was not a piece of furniture left intact. But what caused her to gape in horror was the bloodied little body of her son.

The way back will come only once.

Ahura threw herself to Jair. Was this her fault? No, it couldn't be! Light! She had killed her own child!

With a scream of sheer pain and horror she hugged the little bloody bundle.

What could she do? She had to find help right away. Her son was steel breathing-it wasn't too late. She just needed to find help. Ahura rose frantically to her feet and ran out of the cave shouting for help.

The silver Arch was there right in front of her.

The way back will come only once.

She stopped in her tracks. She knew she had to go back, but she couldn't leave her child! Jair would die without her! What to do, what to do! Ahura clutched her head and for a moment stood motionless. Either way would bring her only pain. She couldn't decide what to do. Ahura remembered the body of her son lying still and decided to go for help. The arch would have to wait. But she also remembered the words The way back will come only once. She just couldn't decide what to do! It was cruel to make her decide! How could they want her to leave her own flesh and blood? With tears running down her cheeks, she took three slow steps and melted into the arch. At the last moment, though, she suddenly tried to turn back, but it was too late-the shinning wall was gone and she was left alone with her guilt and pain.

Third Arch

They were in the middle of a green glade. The winter had been very cold and way too long, but green shoots already covered the ground and the scent of wet earth was mixed with the aroma of winterstars and candlefalmes. It was quiet and tranquil beneath the great oaks and Ahura felt happier than ever. Kaim and she were kneeling facing each other in the middle of the glade. The last rays of the sun were embracing them in a halo of gold, and gave Ahura the assurance that she was doing the right thing.

They had agreed that they didn't want any other people to witness their bonding. They had escaped the noise of the Grey Tower, and now prepared for the bonding. Ahura was excited and could not suppress entirely her smile. Her golden eyes were shining full of love and she could see her feelings mirrored in the eyes opposite her.

The way back comes only once. Ahura didn't know where this strange thought came from, but she knew it was important. She tried to concentrate, but right then Kaim smiled at her, and all thoughts vanished from her head.

'Are you ready?'

With a calm assurance Kaim answered, "I have been ready my whole life."

Ahura smiled back. She took his head in her hands and prepared to bond. The OP surged thorough her veins bringing life and pain at the same time.

The bond was forged. Ahura could feel Kaim as part of herself now. She felt his love and his care, and she was ready to cry from happiness. Kaim was looking at her with wonder and tenderness.

'This is incredible! Nothing they told me is comes even close to the feeling! I can feel you and you are a part of myself. As if up until now I was never whole, but didn't know it! Now, you know I love you more than myself and you won't doubt me any more?"

"How could I? We'll marry as soon as I can get leave to go home. We can ask my uncle to accept us in his clan."

But something was wrong. Kaim was frowning. "I can feel something rotten. What is it? It comes through our bond. It is the touch of the DO himself! What have you been hiding from me?" With this Kaim jumped up and quick as a flash drew his sword and leveled it at her.

"Speak up! What are you? What have you done?"

Ahura stood up more slowly. She was looking at him and couldn't believe this was happening.

The way back comes only once.

"You know very well what's wrong with me! I told you so!" she tried not to show her hurt, but without much success. Kaim was the only one she let get close and he could hurt her as no one else ever could.

"You just told me you had a dark side and that when you tried to channel it tried to take over you. I thought you meant your fears and the cruelty and all the other dark emotions that are a part of everyone! You never said it was the taint of the DO himself!"

"How can you say something like that? You know I hate the DO and I would die rather then let him have me!"

"Light help you, you are telling the truth, I can feel it!" He withdrew his sword. " Yet, I tell you, you are tainted by the Dark! I am a warder and I can feel it with every part of my body!"

Ahura half raised her hands towards him as if to hold him.

The way back comes only once.

"But you know me! How is that possible? You are surely mistaken!"

"I don't know how can that be, but I tell you 'tis the truth. I won't kill you as the creature of the DO as you must be, but I can't even look at you without feeling revulsion. I want you to release me from the bond! Give it to anyone else-it doesn't matter who, and afterwards I don't want to see you ever again! You are worse than the filth in a pigsty! You are worse even than a darkfriend-they at least are human!" with a grimace of sheer hatred and revulsion Kaim turned and stalked through the woods.

With a cry of desperation Ahura threw herself after him. She couldn't loose him! She simply couldn't! He was the light of her life, her heart, her soul-her everything! Without him she was as good as dead.

With a staggering step she tried to run after him.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a silver arch appeared in front of her. From afar came the thought The way back comes only once. She stopped. Her heart followed Kaim and it took everything for her legs not to follow him. She wanted nothing else but to reach him and explain everything. It caused her burning pain to think that he suspected her of being a creature of the DO.

But the silver arch was starting to shimmer and dissolve. With a heart-wrenching cry she hurled herself in side...

...and came staggering out into the Hall.