Elan Janin Shagoi

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Elan Janin Shagoi
Elan Janin Shagoi
E-Lan Jan-in Sha-goy
Created by Thomas DeSimone
Gender Male
Occupation Dedicated
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Shienaran
Weapon Skills
  • Sword ✦✦✦
OP Strength 7.3
Affinities Fire, Spirit, Earth, Air, Water

Elan Janin Shagoi is a Shienaran Dedicated of the Grey Tower.


32 years since he received his sword (Actual age 44 though he appears to be in his mid to late 30’s)
Black tinged with gray (kept in a traditional top-knot of Shienar)
Eye color
Sarcastic... Dark Humor...Funny... Physically imposing but a sweet caring person underneath the rough exterior.
Distinguishing features
Many Scars received by Trolloc and Myrddraal blades from fighting on the blight border. A particular hate of the Shadow and Shadowspawn. A piercing Raptor like gaze.


Elan was born to Deborah Martichello Shagoi, who was a weaver as well as a retired Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, and her former warder, Sidgy Shagoi. His parents were both originally from Fal Moran, which is just south of Fal Dara. His mother had chosen a small plot of land somewhere in between in which to settle and retire. They had a relatively normal life- his mother was loving, if somewhat strict in her lectures and tutoring. She had taught him how to read and write, as well as had him read countless books on the histories of the world ranging from the Age of legends to the present and on subjects as odd as even the mysterious lands of Shara. His father taught him as if he were a cadet for the Tower guard or a Gaidin in training. He spent many hours under his father's scrutiny going through sword forms, knife throwing, staff fighting, and even unarmed fighting with his hands and feet.

When he was sixteen years old what is widely known as "Laman's Sin" was committed and his mother and father both came out of retirement and returned to the Tower. He stayed behind against both his parents' wishes and joined with the armies fighting out of Shienar. After the war ended, he returned home and waited almost a year before deciding his parents must have been on the long list of casualties that had occurred at the hands of the Aiel. He returned to his company in Fal Dara and fought along the Blight border alongside many great men. It wasn't until days after the legend al'Lan Mandragoran and his Aes Sedai visited Fal Dara in the company of what appeared to be village youths that what was, up until then, considered the normal life of a Shienaran soldier was completely shattered.

~ Elan was stepping through sword forms around the large trolloc that faced him, scythe curved sword swinging at him high and low. The Creeper Embraces the Oak flowed into Dandelion on the Wind which sliced through the trolloc, turning the harsh guttural ramblings into gurgling sounds of death. Elan was humming the song victory at Tarwins Gap, as he always did while he stepped through sword forms. As the Trolled fell, holding his ruined throat, Elan jumped over the earthbound body to meet a Myrddraal's black blade with The Grapevine Twines. Locking his blade with the Myrddraal's, both hands on the hilt, he leaned into the force of the Myrddraal, his face only inches from pale shadow wrought flesh. "Time to die, human" the thing hissed distastefully. The Myrddraal wrenched his blade free, which sent Elan's off behind the shadowspawn into the fray. Just before it delivered the killing stroke, the world erupted in white. When feeling returned, he could not control himself. He felt life soaring through his veins and a filth that made him went to empty his stomach of everything he had ever eaten. Slowly, hearing and sight returned, seemingly crisper than before, though he wasn't sure that he was seeing the same battlefield. The battlefield was bathed in thin lines of blue, red, green- a rainbow that stretched into the earth and sky from a man sheathed in light. All over, lightings struck Draghkar out of the sky and stabbed into lines of Trollocs. It sent the Myrddraal's black horse rearing and toppling some to the ground, which in turn began to erupt in flame and molten earth that rolled over them in waves crashing like an ocean of fire and death. Elan fainted before he had more of a chance to think, waking days later inside the walls of Fal Dara keep. ~~

From then on, Elan was aware of his ability to channel. Soon after the battle at Tarwins Gap, he asked leave of his commander, Lord Ingtar Shinowa, and secluded himself to his childhood home, which lay in shambles, savaged by the many merciless winters since his last visit. He began rebuilding slowly at first and faster once he learned to control his new abilities. He used them for everything. Taking down what could not be repaired he did with the power carefully. When it came to his parents rooms, he first went through what was left of their belongings, and what he found beneath the floor boards changed his life forever.

The accounts of Deborah Martichello Shagoi, Head Librarian, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, graced the first line of the journal.

The story began with the arrival of a wide eyed girl, daughter of a high ranking general in the borderlands and lady of house Martichello, to the White Tower. The pages of this journal, his mother's journal, appeared to be pieced together from many different journals from over her years. He read for days, living in his tent he had set up for a while he repaired his home. It wasn't until he read about events occurring around the time of his conception that contents of the journal started to affect him.

"Today, I was the most scared for my life than ever before. No trolloc or eyeless could amount to what I saw. For the first time in my life, I saw a man who can channel. It happened on the return journey to Fal Dara. Sidgy and I were traveling through the woods as to avoid unwanted eye, when what I can only describe as a hole in the air opened, slicing a great oak that must have been well over a hundred years old so deeply that it fell over. A man had leapt from the hole and became trapped, unconscious, beneath the falling tree. He was trapped in such a way that his leg had been crushed. At first I was frightened for my life. A madman jumping about the world through gateways in the air doing whatever he pleased- but my fear was soon overcome by intrigue. Upon inspection, the man was wearing clothing I have never seen, and he had tattoos about his face! I simply cannot wait for him to wake so I can question him"

Elan would read on that this strange man had actually been his father. Why she had never told him about him he learned later in her writings. The man, whose only name was Ayyad Shen, had been Sharan! Elan remembered reading that Ayyad is what channelers are called in Shara. His mother went on to explain that the man was taken to mate with another female Ayyad, when he was attacked. He was so frightened and desperate that he saw a portal suddenly open and so he jumped through it. Elan learned that his father had been a channeler and a slave, used for his strong ability in the Power to mate with female channelers in order to continue a long bloodline of very strong channelers. He had been kept alive well past when he was should have been killed by Westlander standards. Elan discovered another reason his mother had never mentioned his true father; ten years after they had met and fallen in love, while the baby was still in swaddling clothes, Shen began to show signs of madness. Deborah had given him some crimsonthorn root so that he had never woke and buried him beneath an oak that stood one-hundred paces from his cabin…

After finishing that passage in his mother's journal, and thus coming to a more full understanding of his background, Elan finished his home and using the power sparingly. He managed to avoid his father's fate and secluded himself from the world for fear that he may hurt innocent people.

It wasn't until The Lord Dragon issued the amnesty for men who can channel and spoke of helping them that he reemerged and went to Caemlyn and to the farm. The farm later became Black Tower, under Mazrim Taim, and the time he spent there was troubled. Elan was mostly troubled by a dislike of Mazrim Taim and his "special interest students". It was when Taim tried to get Elan to join in his private lessons by telling him he could remove his block- having to hum Victory at Tarwin's Gap- when he deserted the Tower. Elan returned to his home in Shienar and took up fighting along the blight border using his new abilities, no longer afraid to channel after his time in the Tower. Wearing his Asha'man coat and pins, he assisted in the defenses of most of the blight border in Shienar. He remained there until now, when he left to join the newly formed Grey Tower in hopes of fighting alongside of great men in the fight for salvation against the shadow.

Career History

  • Soldier
  • Dedicated (25 April 2009)