Eglayne al'Thorne

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Eglayne al'Thorne
egg-lain mihn-EEV-sah-YUHR-ee al-THORN
Created by Elizabeth Halvorsen
Full name Eglayne Minaeve-Sayuri al'Thorne
Gender Female
Occupation Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Manetheren (Two Rivers)
OP Strength 10.0
Affinities Air, Water, Spirit, Fire, Earth

Eglayne al'Thorne is a Manetheren Green Oathsworn Aes Sedai of the Grey Tower.


Eglayne is more beautiful than can be put into words. But I'll take a stab at it anyway.

Eglayne al'Thorne is tall, thin, and graceful; she has often been described as willowy. Her dark hair is soft and silky, framing an exquisite oval face that features shining dark eyes and full, sensuous lips. Eschewing the style of her native Two Rivers, she wears her hair loose most of the time, or piled atop her head to show off her swan-like neck, and she tends to favour silk Domani gowns in the Green of her Ajah. Her five warders-four Gaidin and an Asha'man-are all nearly as handsome as she, and of course they are all of them blademasters. Her favourite pastimes include balefiring Shadowspawn, pulling the strings of royalty in the Great Game, and giving a performance of the Karaethon Cycle second only to Thom Merrilin's.


This character is intended for humorous works only.

"Bela, no! For the love of the Light, noooo!"

Thunder followed the bolt of lightning that struck the village green, the deafening rumble the perfect backdrop to the terrifying scene that lay before Eglayne al'Thorne. Smoke rose from what had once been grassy lawn but was now bare, scorched earth, the fire already extinguished by the torrential rain. The trollocs that had spooked Bela were gone, now, the myrdraal that led them dead at Eglayne's feet, but the shaggy little mare rampaged on. The cries of the villagers echoed through the night, audible only after the thunder stilled. The myrdraal had died quickly, stumbling back in surprise though she had done little more than nick it with her belt knife; the moment it had taken for it to fall had seemed an eternity to Eglayne.

"Oh, Bela, what have you done?" Eglayne whispered softly as she stepped over the myrdraal's corpse, careful to keep her skirts from touching the foul thing on her way to search the village. Swinging her long braid over her shoulder, she played idly with its end, a nervous habit ever since she was old enough to braid her hair. "Light. Is there no one left?"

Windows were smashed in. Doors hung awkwardly from broken hinges, swinging and banging in the wind. The last of the villagers lay dying in amongst the dead trollocs; there was nothing Eglayne could do for them, but tears streamed down her cheeks as she searched for her family. At last, she found them in the crowd that had gathered in the inn to try to make a stand against the shadowspawn. All lay dead except her father, and he would not last much longer. The curved outlines of horseshoes were printed in mud down his face and across his chest, and a trolloc's sword had nearly severed his right arm.

"Eglayne," he croaked, fading quickly. "Eglayne...."

"I'm sorry, Father! I tried to stop them! I...I killed a Fade...but Bela...."

"The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, child. There is nothing left here, now; you cannot stay here."

"But where can I go, Father?"

"To the...Grey...Tower...."

"Father!" Eglayne shook her father's shoulders as he died, cold and alone and unwilling to let the last of her kin be taken by the Wheel.

Every man, woman, and child of the village lay dead: those who had not died during the trolloc attack had fallen under Bela's hooves, and Eglayne could only watch, listening to their cries as they died. Her father was right; there was nothing left for her here. Even Bela was gone, now, fleet, lethal hooves carrying her away. Wiping away her tears, Eglayne walked out of the village into the night, heading for the Grey Tower.

Career History

  • Novice (27 November 2010)
  • Accepted (27 November 2010)
  • Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah (27 November 2010)