Brec Deoddyn

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Brec Deoddyn
Created by Brec Deoddyn (player)
Gender Male
Occupation Asha'man of the Indigo Ajah
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Tar Valoner

Brec Deoddyn is a Tar Valoner Indigo Oathsworn Asha'man of the Grey Tower.


Brec's hair is a dark brown, and his eyes match. His skin is slightly tanned. He is very thin, and fairly short, around five feet tall. If he is similar to his father, he'll grow to be about five feet, seven or eight inches tall by the end of his growth. He is not very strong and gets picked on a lot by bigger boys, especially since he is timid enough not to say anything to anyone else. These encounters have resulted in several of Brec's injuries.


Brec Deoddyn is a fourteen-year-old boy that always seems to get hurt, even in seemingly innocuous situations. Before coming to the Grey Tower, Brec lived in Tar Valon. His father was a butcher, and was ashamed of his son's klutziness. Both of Brec's parents were very overprotective of Brec, which often caused Brec to resent their authority. Brec's two younger siblings loved to see him get into trouble when he rebelled against his parents. Brec often considered running away, but never even got to the city gates before turning back.

Since Brec lived in Tar Valon, he was brought up with a certain reverence for Aes Sedai, and a hatred and fear of male channelers. Despite this mindset, Brec loved to read about the Age of Legends and the magnificent feats that the channelers were able to accomplish, both male and female. Curiosity often consumed Brec and he would frequently visit the local bookseller to find any available books concerning the Age of Legends.

Two Aes Sedai from the White Tower lived in the city near where Brec lived. Each time that he was hurt fairly severely, he would visit these Aes Sedai for Healing. His injuries usually just required some herbs and natural pastes, but occasionally required the use of the One Power. Since Brec was so accident prone, he had been to the Aes Sedai fourteen times by the age of eleven. The healings were usually paid off by Brec working for the Aes Sedai, cleaning, cooking, or doing various housework. He didn't really mind doing this as payment, but resented it when his mother asked him to do it for her. He felt like he was being treated as a girl, but couldn't voice that opinion without facing his father's wrath.

One time that Brec almost ran away, he cut his hand with a knife. Having overheard how the Aes Sedai used the One Power to Heal cuts, Brec decided to try it himself. He failed, and set everything around him on fire, as well as burning the wound. He ran to the Aes Sedai, and when he explained what had happened, one of the Aes Sedai took him aside and chastised him for speaking about trying to channel. She escorted him home and explained to his parents that Brec would have to leave Tar Valon and try to get to another channeling faction that allowed men to channel. She recommended that he try the Grey Tower. Brec set out with an injured hand, a few sets of clothes and some food and money to get to the Grey Tower. He tried unsuccessfully many times to channel again.

Career History

  • Soldier
  • Dedicated
  • Asha'man of the Indigo Ajah
  • Sitter of the Indigo Ajah