Adra Glencor

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Adra Glencor
Ah-drah Glen-core
Created by Julio
Gender Female
Occupation Drin
Affiliation The Grey Tower
Nationality Tuatha'an

Adra Glencor is a Tuatha'an Drin of the Grey Tower.


Adra has dirty blonde hair, and normal pale skin. She is very short, about five feet tall, and wiry. She is very serious about anything she sets her mind to, but can be be lighthearted and funny. However, she is not goofy, and is generally rather quiet.

She is musical, not surprising due to her Tuatha'an upbringing, and also therefore likes bright colours, vastly preferring reds, greens, and blues to silver. She is a quick runner, very nimble. For some reason, dogs do not get along with her at all. Cats love her, though.

It is very hard to draw her into a fight, unless it is a spar, or the person is Andoran. She hates Andor and everything to do with it, especially house Telcontar. She is terribly unsubtle, unless it comes to fighting. She has a long cut on the right side of her back, which she got while being carried by her nurse, running from the Andoran lord's troops. This occasionally gives her pain, especially if she lifts her right arm very high, or extends it too far while holding something heavy.

Occasionally, very rarely, she will enter a state like the void, but is completely emotion rather than lack thereof. When this happens, she is completely ruthless and begging for mercy won't help at all. She also acts similar to a Ta'veren, but completely negative, like Rand was for a time, though not as powerful. This ends as soon as she leaves the not-void, which can be rather a while. At that point she falls completely back to the way of the leaf for a while, and has a positive Ta'veren effect. This lasts nearly as long as the corresponding darkness. As noted, this is extremely rare, and not likely to happen out of something very big.


Adra was born to the powerful Cairhienen noble house of Glencor. When she was about one year old, house Glencor was utterly destroyed by the Andoran house Telcontar, during a short, but violent, war between Andor and Cairhien. Adra never did learn what happened to her parents.

Adra's nurse was very loyal to the family, and took her and ran off, to keep her safe. She brought a knife with the Crest of house Glencor, a swallow flying. As it was winter, and thus very treacherous, she and Adra were injured, and they were unable to go anywhere. This injury would cause Adra trouble later. They were found by the Tuatha'an. The Tuatha'an cared for them, and upon the death of Adra's nurse, less than a year later, they adopted Adra.

She had a normal Tinker upbringing, following the way of the leaf, though she kept the knife from her family. She eventually learned that her family name was Glencor. House Telcontar was still searching for her, and they learned somehow that she was with the Tinkers. They attacked, and the Tuatha'an escaped, only her best friend being killed. He was killed in front of her, and she could do nothing to stop it. Adra decided she had to leave. She would take revenge for both her friend, Dalron, and her own family. She saw all of Andor as having wronged her, and therefore disliked every Andoran.

She travelled to the Grey Tower, where she would learn to fight, so that she could take revenge on house Telcontar.

Career History

  • Drin (13 December 2015)